
どうする特許庁! 目覚めよ審査官!! 全くもって散漫で、お粗末な「審査」(サーチ)による特許付与を、についてです。


2023年02月10日(金)にアップした「判例から見た特許権侵害差止等 請求事件」69件目(改訂版)の修正版です。

特許権者である原告のバロークス プロプライアタリー リミテッドは、自分が保有する特許第3,668,240号(アルミニウム缶内にワインをパッケージングする方法)について、その特許の「有効性」を検証したか不明です。


それにも拘らず、バロークス プロプライアタリー リミテッドは、特許庁より与えられた特許を有効と信じて、被告であるモンデ酒造株式会社他を特許侵害している、と提訴しました。









従って、本来なら、バロークス プロプライアタリー リミテッドの出願に対して、特許庁は特許を与えるべきでなかったと考えます。



( Google Translation )

What will the patent office do! "Wake up Examiner!" ! It is about granting a patent through a completely messy and poor "examination" (search).

It has been declared "invalid" by the Intellectual Property High Court.

This is the revised version of the 69th case (revised version) of "Patent Infringement Injunction Case Seen from Judicial Precedents" uploaded on Friday, February 10, 2023.

Patentee Plaintiff Barouks His Proprietary His Limited asserts that he owns Patent No. 3,668,240 (Method of Packaging Wine in Aluminum Cans) and that the patent's "validity" ” is verified.

"Validity" means that even if a third party such as an interested party raises an "invalidation trial" by conducting, for example, an "invalid material investigation" for the company's patent, the company's patent is It is to be convinced that it is rock solid.

Nevertheless, Baroques Proprietary Limited believed the patent granted by the Patent Office to be valid and sued the defendants, Monde Brewery Co., Ltd. and others, for infringement.

First, the Tokyo District Court said, ``Since it is recognized that the patent pertaining to the present invention should be invalidated by a patent invalidation trial pursuant to Article 123, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Patent Act, the plaintiff The patent rights relating to the present invention cannot be enforced due to the clause," and the plaintiff lost the case.

The Intellectual Property High Court also stated, "Since the Invention does not comply with the Support Requirement, the Patent pertaining to the Invention has a ground for invalidation of violation of the Support Requirement (Article 36, Paragraph 6, Item 1 of the Patent Act)." It was made.

Further, "Since the patent pertaining to the Invention is deemed to be invalidated by a patent invalidation trial pursuant to Article 123, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Patent Act, the plaintiff cannot exercise the patent right pertaining to the Invention." Ultimately, the appellant lost.

The patent office examiner created a search logic formula by himself, searched six prior art documents, and presented them to the applicant.

After that, the applicant issued a "Written Amendment", and in the end, the examiner made a "decision of registration", and the applicant successfully obtained the patent right.

However, the patentee lost the lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court and the Intellectual Property High Court as described above.

I believe that the root cause of this case is that the patent office was unable to determine that the "support requirements" indicated by the district court and the high court were not met.

A patent will not be granted based on inadequate judgment by a patent office examiner.

Therefore, I believe that the patent office should not have granted a patent to the application filed by Barouks Proprietary Limited.

As the “administration” (the Patent Office), we should humbly reflect on the fact that the “judicial” (the court) pointed out the error, and should try to correct the error.

Here, "FI" and "F term" in the "application information" of this patent publication are listed from the second sheet onwards of this Excel document.

( Google 翻译 )

专利局怎么办! “唤醒考官!” ! 它是关于通过完全混乱和糟糕的“审查”(搜索)授予专利。



专利权人原告Barouks Proprietary Limited已审查其专利号3,668,240(铝罐包装酒的方法)的“有效性”,不详。


尽管如此,Baroques Proprietary Limited认为专利局授予的专利有效,并以侵权为由起诉被告Monde Brewery Co., Ltd.等。

首先,东京地方法院表示,``根据专利法第 123 条第 1 项第 4 项,承认与本发明有关的专利权应当通过专利权无效审判宣告无效,原告的专利权由于该条款,与本发明有关的案件无法执行”,原告败诉。

知识产权高等法院还表示,“由于发明不符合支持要件,与发明有关的专利有违反支持要件的无效理由(专利法第36条第6款第1项) )。”它被制作出来了。







因此,我认为专利局不应该对 Barouks Proprietary Limited 提交的申请授予专利权。


