

PBS NewsHour Oct. 17, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:36]★今日のおすすめ★ Hundreds killed in strike on Gaza hospital as Israeli-Hamas war worsens

A strike in Gaza hit a hospital Tuesday, killing hundreds. Palestinians and others say it was an Israeli bombing while the Israel Defense Forces say it was an errant missile fired by the militant group Islamic Jihad. The chaos comes ahead of President Biden's scheduled visit to Israel and amid evacuations from Israeli towns and cities along the border with Gaza. Leila Molana-Allen reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い11日目; ガザの病院にミサイル; 誰のミサイルかに食い違い; ヨルダンでのバイデン大統領と関係国首脳との会談キャンセル; 戦争拡大防止に悪影響; scheduled meeting among President Biden, Jordanian, Egyptian and Palestinian leaders in Jordan has been canceled; Leila Molana Allen; one of the reasons President Biden wanted to make that trip to Jordan was to try to contain this from becoming a regional larger conflict; if this war is going to be contained, all three of those figures (Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and King Abdullah of Jordan) are going to need to participate with the United States in what it's trying to do to try and prevent Lebanese Hezbollah, to try and prevent Iran from entering this war. But if we see this day of rage across the region, if these leaders are not willing to even be seen in public with the president, containing this war becomes much more difficult; 》

[08:13] When Hamas fighters invaded her town just over a week ago, single mother Sima Yekhshekel snatched up her three young kids and ran for her life. She's been putting herself up in a hotel just outside Tel Aviv since then, but can't afford it anymore.

[** to put up someone = To provide someone with overnight accommodation, especially temporarily ]

[13:38] What President Biden needs is help from one of the summit's participants, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the president of Egypt. He is now not going to be able to talk to him. And they need Egypt to open the Rafah Crossing into Gaza in order to allow humanitarian aid and American citizens leave from Gaza. Laura just mentioned the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, not being willing or not able to meet the president, President Biden, in Amman, again, someone that the president needs to try and keep a lid on violence, especially into the West Bank and Jerusalem, and, of course, King Abdullah of Jordan. Jordan oversees the holiest sites in Jerusalem, a key, key figure that has been close to the United States for so many years. And if this war is going to be contained, all three of those figures are going to need to participate with the United States in what it's trying to do to try and prevent Lebanese Hezbollah, to try and prevent Iran from entering this war. But if we see this day of rage across the region, if these leaders are not willing to even be seen in public with the president, containing this war becomes much more difficult.

[** the holiest sites in Jerusalem = Temple Mount = Since the Crusades, the Muslim community of Jerusalem has managed the site through the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf. The site, along with the whole of East Jerusalem (which includes the Old City), was controlled by Jordan from 1948 until 1967 and has been occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967. Shortly after capturing the site, Israel handed its administration back to the Waqf under the Jordanian Hashemite custodianship, while maintaining Israeli security control...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Mount ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ]

[16:13] Families of Americans kidnapped by Hamas describe anguish and what they want Biden to do

One of President Biden’s most pressing concerns on his trip to Israel is the fate of as many as 13 Americans being held hostage by Hamas. They are among some 200 hostages in Gaza. Nick Schifrin spoke to the American families of the missing about their anguish and what they want President Biden to do.
《ハマスの人質になっているアメリカ人の家族の声; イスラエルのガザへの地上侵攻を、ガザに連れ去られた人質救出のために遅らせることが出来るか; 13 Americans being held hostage by Hamas right now. They're among some 200 hostages with 30 different nationalities.》

[22:43] News Wrap

Police in Brussels killed a Tunisian man accused of gunning down two Swedish soccer fans on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in China to visit a top ally in his war against Ukraine, the Supreme Court of India declined to legalize same-sex marriage and the NCAA president warned against imposing too much regulation on compensation for college athletes.
《Prosecutors in New Mexico now say they will try to recharge actor Alec Baldwin in a fatal shooting on a movie set back in 2021; 同性婚》

[26:20]★今日のおすすめ★ A look at Jim Jordan's often controversial record in Congress

In the first round of balloting for the next House speaker, Rep. Jim Jordan got 200 votes from his GOP colleagues, short of the 217 he needed. But the Ohio congressman is closer to the gavel than he's ever been before. Lisa Desjardins has a look at his often controversial record in Congress.
《下院議長選び; ジム・ジョーダンが最初の本会議採決で過半数に届かず; ジム・ジョーダンの人物像; Former Speaker John Boehner, who Jordan helped push out of that position in 2015, dubbed Jordan a legislative terrorist; In recent years, Jordan became a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, who even awarded Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the closing days of the Trump administration; Trump endorsing Jordan in his bid for speaker; Jordan and Trump spoke several times on January 6, and the day culminated with Jordan joining many of his Republican colleagues to object to the certification of the Electoral College vote; Jordan's history pushing for Trump's stolen election lies could be politically toxic for some moderate Republicans in swing districts next year; Jordan is beloved by the conservative and Trump base; Jordan is a key figure in the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, appointed to that role by ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy; Jim Jordan, the original rebel in modern Republican politics, is himself trying to quash a rebellion against his own attempt to become speaker; Jordan received 200 votes, but there were 20 Republicans who voted for someone else; Hakeem Jeffries, the Democratic leader, receiving the most votes of anyone today, 212 votes; At a time when Jim Jordan needs to be broadening the tent, he's in sort of a skirmish at the moment with Steve Scalise; it's notable that we saw several of the no-votes come from appropriators. There are real doubts about Jim Jordan and whether he would try to shut down government or end up shutting down government or lead to an appropriations mess; Ken Buck has a real concern that this (= Jordan) is an election denier who could be speaker; the next vote is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. Eastern; 》

[26:53] A champion wrestler in college, he [* Jim Jordan ] started his career as an assistant coach for the Ohio State University wrestling team in the 1980s and '90s working with team doctor Richard Strauss, who the university later found had molested dozens of student wrestlers over two decades. When the university investigated in 2018, several former students claimed Jordan knew about sexual abuse and harassment by Strauss and failed to report it.

[** この部分を詳しく説明したニュース ]

[31:38] LISA DESJARDINS: Now Jim Jordan also hopes to be the one in charge of wrangling a narrow Republican majority.

[** to wrangle = to herd; to manage or supervise ]

[37:32] Settlement would stop U.S. government from separating families at border

A proposed settlement from the Biden administration would allow migrant families who were separated from their children at the southern border to stay in the U.S. for three years and apply for asylum while getting aid. If a judge accepts the settlement, it would also prevent the government from separating families for at least eight years. Amna Nawaz discussed more with Lee Gelernt of the ACLU.
《トランプ政権下のメキシコ国境で移民親子が引き離された件の裁判、和解案; The case was brought in large part by the ACLU; Lee Gelernt, ACLU's lead counsel; 》

[43:58]★今日のおすすめ★ College admissions essays more important for students after end of affirmative action

Students who are starting to apply to colleges for the coming year are the first class to deal with the impact of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn affirmative action. For many high school students, this annual rite of passage is now trickier than ever to navigate. Special correspondent Hari Sreenivasan takes a look for our higher education series, Rethinking College.
《連邦最高裁が積極的差別是正措置を違憲としてから初めての大学入学選考; 高まる大学出願用エッセイの重要性; In its ruling this summer, the Supreme Court said colleges and universities taking race into account during admissions were violating the Equal Protections Clause; In his opinion, Chief John Roberts wrote: "Universities can still consider an applicant's discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise"; I think almost every college admission office in America is having conversations with legal counsel about how to do this in a way that is both with respect to the law, but also with respect to the institution's interests; 》

[43:58] GEOFF BENNETT: Students applying to colleges now are the first class to deal with the impact of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn affirmative action.

[** 関連ニュース ]

[50:10] HARI SREENIVASAN: Back at the college knowledge classes at Albuquerque Academy, kids are still getting pointers on the Common App and test-optional schools, along with warnings that using generative artificial intelligence to write your essays is anything but intelligent.

[** pointer = (chiefly in the plural) A tip, a bit of advice ]

[** Common App = The Common Application (more commonly known as the Common App) is an undergraduate college admission application that applicants may use to apply to over 1,000 member colleges and universities in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, as well as in Canada, China, Japan, and many European countries... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Application ]

[** test-optional = When a university states that it is test-optional, it means that students are not required to submit their SAT or ACT test results to support their undergraduate application...
https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/advice/what-does-test-optional-mean-us-university-applications //
SAT or ACT see:
https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/scores/act-vs-sat.html ]

[51:40] Melinda French Gates' Brief But Spectacular take on making birth safer for moms and babies

Melinda French Gates envisions a world where women and their newborns remain healthy before, during and after childbirth. The Gates Foundation reported staggering numbers surrounding maternal mortality and offers several interventions that have the potential to save the lives of 2 million mothers and babies by 2030. She gives her Brief But Spectacular take on making birth safer.
《メリンダ・ゲイツの取り組み:出産を母子にとって安全なものにするには; 800 moms die a day in childbirth; azithromycin, so that a mom doesn't get infected at the time of the birth; I.V. iron; I.V. iron in so many of these low-income settings, those simple interventions and tools are not making it out to where moms give birth in health care facilities; Here in the United States, a woman is three times as likely to die in childbirth than in another high-income country. And it has to do with a system failure, a system that doesn't listen to women, a system that's biased; 》

[53:22] When I traveled to Malawi several years ago, I actually saw a baby that was likely to see out the day, very healthy newborn, and one who had been born on the road and the mother had died. And that baby, because of the birth complications, was unlikely to see out the day.

[** to see out = to endure or survive for a certain period of time ]

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