
人に陰口を言われたら?-What if someone talks about you behind your back?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced what to do when you want to win an argument without changing your position! The more you bend your position, the better, in order to change the other person's thoughts and actions to suit your position. If you are interested, please check out that article as well. This time, we will introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "Techniques to make your heart go your way."


"Gossiping and slandering are a defensive behavior to protect your weaker self. People only gossip and slander when they think, "I'll never be able to beat that person," or "I'm scared of that person." People who gossip do so because they feel threatened by you, and they are trying to drag you down by gossiping. On the other hand, when people gossip and slander you, it's proof that you've won, so there's nothing to be happy about."


"When does the emotion of "jealousy" arise? For example, suppose an elementary school child gets a perfect score on a test and brags about it to you or provokes you. Would you get angry? No, you wouldn't. That's because you know that the other person is only a small child and is overwhelmingly inferior to you. In other words, the emotion of "jealousy" does not arise toward someone who is inferior to you. It is an emotion that only arises toward someone who is equal or higher to you."


What did you all think? Gossiping and badmouthing others is hard to stop, isn't it? Nobody feels good when they're criticized. However, if you worry about it, you will end up exhausting yourself. So, when you feel like that, why not try changing your way of thinking a little? You won't feel jealous towards someone who is lower in rank. If that's the case, then all you have to do is focus on what you need to do. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.



