
こちらの主張を変えずに、口論に勝ちたい時は!?-Win the argument by sticking to your guns-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced the method to shorten the emotional distance between people! If you want to shorten the emotional distance between you and the other person, you need to shorten the physical distance between you and the other person. Please take a look at that article as well if you are interested. This time, we will introduce the contents of the title by excerpting some parts from "Techniques to control your heart".


"There is no winning or losing in an argument. Even if you defeat the other person through your argument, you have not won. In the end, the other person has only reluctantly accepted the situation and has not acknowledged your argument. What is the purpose of an argument? It is to "change the other person's thoughts and actions to suit your argument," isn't it? In that case, I think the more you bend your argument, the better."


"To bend does not mean to "change the content of your argument" but rather to "change the form of your argument, the way you communicate it." Truly intelligent people are those who are not concerned with immediate wins or losses, but can freely modify their arguments according to the other person, and ultimately convince the other person. A simple method is the "yes but method." This is a way to accept the other person's argument. After accepting it, you present your own argument, and in the end your argument gets through."


What did you all think? This "Yes But" method is quite famous. Some of you may already know about it. Instead of immediately starting with a negative statement, first accept the other person's opinion and then convey your own opinion. This is very effective when discussing something such as a business meeting or conference. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


