

あいの欠落物語 my missing story



一日活動し続けたのに眠れずに朝を迎えることも数え切れないほどありました。 朝決めた時間に起きるのが辛く、目覚ましが聞こえないくらい熟睡して遅刻をしてしまう。







もちろん活動量や細かな寝不足(睡眠負債)が溜まってくると、休日は2時間多く寝るなどということもあります。 一週間のうちで調整はある程度必要だと思っています。


「布団に入ってから考えがグルグル回って気づいたら1時間経ってる。」 「朝は目覚ましで叩き起こされる。すっきり起きれないしもっと寝たい。」









話を進める前に、ここで出している時間は例だということをお伝えしておきます。 あなたの生活リズムと最適な睡眠時間に合わせて、「2時に寝て、9時に起きる方法」「11時に寝て19時に起きる方法」などとアレンジしてください。






The only two things that made me able to go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am 

I had completely irregular sleep. It's easy to understand that I'm a night owl, but my sleep time shifts by about 2 hours each day, and I sometimes sleep for 20 hours and wake up at 3 hours the next day.

There were countless times when I woke up unable to sleep even though I had been active all day. It's hard for me to wake up at the set time in the morning, and I end up falling asleep so deep that I can't hear the alarm and being late.

I did. There were only two points. I can only sleep for 2 hours and my back feels stiff and uncomfortable. Due to insomnia, I get irritated by small things during the day. I can't control my sleep, and I guess my cycle is different from everyone else's, so I'll give up on waking up regularly. I thought so.

Just by putting these two things into practice, I ended up in a situation where I felt sleepy and fell asleep and didn't go back to sleep in the morning. Readers may be wondering, "Why can't I do something simple?" However, I think you have to be very conscious to do this in today's environment. Of course, as your activity levels and small lack of sleep (sleep debt) accumulate, you may find yourself sleeping two hours more on holidays.

I think some adjustment is necessary within a week. However, my life has changed from the one I used to have, where my thoughts would cross my mind and my eyes would be alert before I went to bed, and my heart would race because of the anxiety of not being able to sleep. There were only two points.

"I set a time to go to bed at night, but I can't fall asleep at that time." ``After I got into bed, my thoughts started spinning and before I knew it, an hour had passed.''
"In the morning, my alarm wakes me up. I can't wake up refreshed and I want to sleep more."

There are two things I would like to recommend to such people. That means walking in the morning (commuting possible) and reading a book before going to bed at night. That's all. You probably thought that was something you were tired of hearing. However, if you can do this, you may be able to fall asleep easily at night, wake up easily in the morning, or even wake up before the alarm goes off. If you haven't done so, please try this first.

This is because these two are the most effective for sleep, and I don't even think I need anything else. But the question is why this is not possible. This article is here to solve that problem.
Before I go any further, I would like to inform you that the times given here are just examples. Depending on your daily rhythm and optimal sleep time, please arrange things like ``go to bed at 2 o'clock and wake up at 9 o'clock'' or ``go to bed at 11 o'clock and wake up at 7 o'clock''.

Some people may not be able to maintain a constant rhythm of life due to work or other reasons. If so, please use this as a guideline for what time you want to wake up next and how many hours you want to sleep. Appropriate sleep times and length vary from person to person.

Here, I will use the time of day when I can wake up the shortest (if I go to bed at 24:00, I end up sleeping until around 9:00) as an example. The important thing is to prepare yourself to wake up the next day (taking a walk in the sunlight), and to read after you feel sleepy so you can go to sleep.

to be continued
