






問題1 Sleep is essential for our well-being. Tom 1 about the importance of sleep for years. Last night, he 2 a documentary about sleep disorders. While he 3 the…


問題1 以下の文章を読み、文脈からそれぞれの数字に入る適切なものを選択肢(a)~(d)からそれぞれ選びなさい。 There is a girl who loves TikTok. She 1 short, funny vide…

500words : 2ちゃんねるの歴史

英文 2channel, also known as 2ch, is a popular Japanese internet forum. It was founded in 1999 by Hiroyuki Nishimura and quickly gained a large following. The …


英文 As they walked, they encountered other people who shared their passion for otaku culture. Some of these people were also card game duelists, and they had …


英文 It was a beautiful day in 2022 when Momotaro, the former demon slayer turned Youtuber, and Shokatsu Kōmei, the Youtuber who leveraged his intelligence, w…


英文 In the next chapter of our story, a Swedish otaku arrives on the scene and brings with him unexpected events that shake the world to its core. The otaku w…


英文 Momotaro was at the top of her game, as a successful Youtuber known for her magic abilities and entertaining content. However, she soon found herself faci…


英文 Once upon a time, there was a young man named Momotaro who was famous for his bravery in defeating demons and saving his village in Japan. After his heroi…

600words : The Evolution of Smartphones: A Look at the History and Impact of Mobile Technology

英文 The history of smartphones can be traced back to the early 1990s when the first prototype was developed by IBM. This device, known as Simon, combined th…

500words : Exploring the Popularity of Isekai Stories: A Journey of Escapism, Wish Fulfillment, and Empowerment

英文 The popularity of isekai stories, in which the protagonist is transported from the real world to another world and becomes successful, can be attributed…

400words : Challenges Facing Japan's Economy

英文 Japan's economy has been struggling to grow in recent years, despite being one of the largest economies in the world. This is due to several factors suc…

400words : Exploring the "Papa-katsu" Trend in Japan

英文 The "Papa-katsu" phenomenon in Japan refers to older men seeking relationships or romantic encounters with younger women. It has been a topic of much di…

500words : オンラインゲーム不倫

英文 Online gaming has become a common form of entertainment and social interaction for millions of people around the world. While it can be an enjoyable way…


英文 Once upon a time, there was a married Japanese couple named Tom and Jane. Tom was a successful businessman and Jane was a homemaker. They lived in a lar…

300words : The Exciting Journey of Seirin High School's Basketball Team in "Kuroko's Basketball

英文 "Kuroko's Basketball" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. The story revolves around a high school basketball team …

400words : The Impact of TikTok on Japanese Culture and Society

英文 Japan is home to a number of well-known TikTokers who have gained a large following due to their unique content and comedic skits. One such TikToker is …


Sleep is essential for our well-being. Tom 1 about the importance of sleep for years. Last night, he 2 a documentary about sleep disorders. While he 3 the documentary, he 4 that he had been experi




There is a girl who loves TikTok. She 1 short, funny videos every day. Yesterday, she 2 a video of a new dance challenge. She 3 that dance chal


500words : 2ちゃんねるの歴史

英文 2channel, also known as 2ch, is a popular Japanese internet forum. It was founded in 1999 by Hiroyuki Nishimura and quickly gained a large following. The site allowed users to post anonymously and



英文 As they walked, they encountered other people who shared their passion for otaku culture. Some of these people were also card game duelists, and they had come to join the fight against the mysterio



英文 It was a beautiful day in 2022 when Momotaro, the former demon slayer turned Youtuber, and Shokatsu Kōmei, the Youtuber who leveraged his intelligence, were working on their latest videos. Suddenly



英文 In the next chapter of our story, a Swedish otaku arrives on the scene and brings with him unexpected events that shake the world to its core. The otaku was a huge fan of both Momotaro and Shokatsu



英文 Momotaro was at the top of her game, as a successful Youtuber known for her magic abilities and entertaining content. However, she soon found herself facing a new challenge when a rival Youtuber en



英文 Once upon a time, there was a young man named Momotaro who was famous for his bravery in defeating demons and saving his village in Japan. After his heroic deeds, Momotaro found himself transported


600words : The Evolution of Smartphones: A Look at the History and Impact of Mobile Technology

英文 The history of smartphones can be traced back to the early 1990s when the first prototype was developed by IBM. This device, known as Simon, combined the functions of a cellular phone, pager, an


400words : Challenges Facing Japan's Economy

英文 Japan's economy has been struggling to grow in recent years, despite being one of the largest economies in the world. This is due to several factors such as an aging population, low birth rates,


400words : Exploring the "Papa-katsu" Trend in Japan

英文 The "Papa-katsu" phenomenon in Japan refers to older men seeking relationships or romantic encounters with younger women. It has been a topic of much discussion and controversy in recent years.


500words : オンラインゲーム不倫

英文 Online gaming has become a common form of entertainment and social interaction for millions of people around the world. While it can be an enjoyable way to spend time and connect with others, it



英文 Once upon a time, there was a married Japanese couple named Tom and Jane. Tom was a successful businessman and Jane was a homemaker. They lived in a large house in the suburbs of Tokyo and had a


300words : The Exciting Journey of Seirin High School's Basketball Team in "Kuroko's Basketball

英文 "Kuroko's Basketball" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. The story revolves around a high school basketball team and their journey to become the best in Ja


400words : The Impact of TikTok on Japanese Culture and Society

英文 Japan is home to a number of well-known TikTokers who have gained a large following due to their unique content and comedic skits. One such TikToker is @kirikiri, who is known for his humorous t
