500words : 2ちゃんねるの歴史


 2channel, also known as 2ch, is a popular Japanese internet forum. It was founded in 1999 by Hiroyuki Nishimura and quickly gained a large following. The site allowed users to post anonymously and discuss a wide range of topics, from news and politics to hobbies and personal interests. This freedom of expression made 2channel a hotbed of discussion and a key player in shaping online culture in Japan.
 2channel was originally hosted on the website 2ch.net, but due to the large amount of traffic it generated, the site was eventually moved to its own domain, 2channel.jp. Despite its popularity, 2channel has faced numerous challenges over the years, including legal issues, server outages, and repeated attacks from hackers. Despite these challenges, the site has remained one of the most popular and influential forums in Japan.
 One of the key features of 2channel is its anonymity, which allows users to post freely without fear of retribution. This has made the site a hub for discussions on controversial topics such as politics, religion, and sexual orientation. It has also made it a platform for activism and social justice movements, as well as a place for people to discuss sensitive personal issues without revealing their identity.
 However, the anonymity of 2channel has also made it a target for malicious actors. The site has been used to spread false information, cyber-bully others, and even coordinate illegal activities. In response to these issues, 2channel has implemented measures such as moderators, keyword filters, and community-driven reporting systems to help maintain a safe and positive environment.
 Despite its challenges, 2channel has remained a powerful force in shaping online culture in Japan. It has been credited with popularizing certain internet trends, such as the use of emoticons and internet slang, as well as helping to spread the reach of popular memes and internet jokes. The site has also played a role in shaping political discourse in Japan, with many important debates and discussions taking place on its forums.
 In recent years, 2channel has faced increased competition from other online forums and social media platforms. Despite this, it has remained a popular destination for those seeking an anonymous and open platform for discussion. It continues to attract a large number of users and has a dedicated community of supporters who value its unique blend of freedom of expression and community-driven moderation.
 2channel has also had a significant impact on the wider internet community. Its anonymous, free-speech approach has inspired similar forums and websites around the world, and its innovations in online community building and moderation have been widely adopted by other sites. Its impact on internet culture in Japan and beyond cannot be overstated.
 In conclusion, 2channel is a major player in shaping online culture in Japan. Its unique combination of anonymity, freedom of expression, and community-driven moderation has made it a hub for discussion, activism, and internet trends. Despite its challenges, 2channel remains one of the most popular and influential forums in Japan, and its impact on the wider internet community cannot be ignored.


What was one of the key features of 2channel that made it popular?
A. Anonymity
B. Ease of use
C. Wide range of topics
D. User-friendly interface

What were some of the challenges that 2channel faced over the years?
A. Legal issues
B. Server outages
C. Hacker attacks
D. All of the above

How has 2channel impacted political discourse in Japan?
A. It has had no impact
B. It has made political discourse less accessible
C. It has made political discourse more accessible
D. It has made political discourse more confusing

How has 2channel impacted online culture globally?
A. It has had no impact
B. It has made online culture more negative
C. It has made online culture more positive
D. It has had a significant impact

What is the current status of 2channel?
A. It is no longer active
B. It is still popular but facing increased competition
C. It has declined in popularity
D. It is experiencing growth

Answer Key:


  1. 2channel - 日本のインターネットフォーラム

  2. Hiroyuki Nishimura - 2ちゃんねるの創設者

  3. Anonymous - 名前を隠す、無名の

  4. Expression - 表現、発言

  5. Hotbed - 盛んな場所、活発な場所

  6. Online culture - オンライン文化

  7. Domain - ドメイン、領域

  8. Traffic - トラフィック、トラフィック量

  9. Challenge - 挑戦、課題

  10. Server outages - サーバー障害

  11. Hacker attacks - ハッカー攻撃

  12. Popular - 人気のある、流行りの

  13. Controversial - 議論を呼ぶ、論争の引き起こす

  14. Politics - 政治

  15. Religion - 宗教

  16. Sexual orientation - 性的傾向

  17. Activism - 活動主義、運動

  18. Social justice - 社会正義

  19. Sensitive - 敏感な、配慮すべき

  20. Malicious actors - 悪意のある人々

  21. False information - 虚偽の情報

  22. Cyber-bully - サイバーいじめ

  23. Illegal activities - 違法行為

  24. Moderators - モデレーター、調整者

  25. Keyword filters - キーワードフィルター

  26. Community-driven - コミュニティ主導の

  27. Positive environment - 良好な環境

  28. Competition - 競争、競合

  29. Destination - 目的地、到着地

  30. Anonymous and open platform - 無名で開放的なプラットフォーム

  31. Dedicated community - 専心するコミュニティ

  32. Freedom of expression - 言論の自由

  33. Community-driven moderation - コミュニティ主導の調整

  34. Influential - 影響力のある

  35. Hub for discussion - 話し合いの中心地

  36. Activism - 活動主義、運動

  37. Internet trends - インターネットトレンド

  38. Emoticons - 絵文字

  39. Internet slang - インターネットスラング










