

    Once upon a time, there was a married Japanese couple named Tom and Jane. Tom was a successful businessman and Jane was a homemaker. They lived in a large house in the suburbs of Tokyo and had a seemingly perfect life.
    However, things started to change when Tom started traveling frequently for work. He would be away from home for weeks at a time and became more and more distant from Jane. Jane, feeling lonely and neglected, started to seek comfort in the arms of another man.
    The man was her neighbor, John, who was a bachelor and a free spirit. They started talking more often and before they knew it, they were having an affair. They would sneak around, trying to hide their relationship from Tom and the rest of the world.
    Despite the thrill of the secret love affair, Jane was plagued by guilt and anxiety. She knew what she was doing was wrong but couldn't help the way she felt about John. On the other hand, Tom suspected that something was going on but couldn't quite put his finger on it.
    One day, the truth finally came out. Tom caught Jane and John in the act and was devastated. He confronted them both and there was a huge argument. In the end, Tom filed for divorce and Jane and John moved away from the neighborhood, ashamed of what they had done.
    Tom's life was turned upside down by the affair and the divorce. He struggled to pick up the pieces and move on. Jane, on the other hand, was finally happy with John but the guilt of what she had done weighed heavily on her.
    Years passed and Tom eventually found happiness with someone else. Jane and John were still together but their relationship was strained by the knowledge of what they had done. They lived the rest of their lives with the knowledge of the mistake they had made and the hurt they had caused.
    The story of Tom, Jane, and John is a cautionary tale about the dangers of infidelity and the consequences it can bring. It serves as a reminder that actions have consequences and that one should think carefully before making choices that could affect their lives and the lives of those around them.


  1. Who was Tom's wife in the story?
    A) Sarah
    B) Jane
    C) Emily
    D) Lisa

  2. What happened to Tom and Jane's relationship as a result of Tom's frequent work trips?
    A) It strengthened
    B) It remained the same
    C) It weakened
    D) It improved

  3. Who was Jane's secret lover?
    A) Tom's business partner
    B) John
    C) Tom's best friend
    D) Jane's co-worker

  4. How did Tom find out about the affair?
    A) He saw them together
    B) He overheard them talking
    C) He was told by a mutual friend
    D) He found evidence on their phone

  5. What was the outcome of the argument between Tom, Jane, and John?
    A) They reconciled
    B) They all left town
    C) Tom filed for divorce
    D) They broke up but remained friends

  6. How did Jane feel about her relationship with John?
    A) She was happy but guilty
    B) She was content
    C) She was unhappy
    D) She was relieved

  7. What is the overall message of the story?
    A) Infidelity is acceptable if it makes you happy
    B) Infidelity is a game that should be played carefully
    C) Infidelity has no consequences
    D) Infidelity is a serious matter with serious consequences.

Answers: 1) B, 2) C, 3) B, 4) A, 5) C, 6) A, 7) D


  1. Once upon a time - 昔々

  2. married - 結婚している

  3. Japanese couple - 日本のカップル

  4. Tom - トム

  5. businessman - 商人

  6. Jane - ジェーン

  7. homemaker - 家事をする人

  8. suburbs - 郊外

  9. Tokyo - 東京

  10. seemingly - 見かけ上

  11. perfect life - 完璧な生活

  12. traveling - 旅行する

  13. frequently - 頻繁に

  14. work - 仕事

  15. away - 離れて

  16. distant - 遠ざかって

  17. lonely - 孤独な

  18. neglected - 無視された

  19. comfort - 慰め

  20. arms - 腕

  21. neighbor - 隣人

  22. bachelor - 独身者

  23. free spirit - 自由な精神

  24. talking - 話す

  25. affair - 不倫

  26. sneak around - こっそり歩く

  27. hide - 隠す

  28. world - 世界

  29. thrill - スリル

  30. secret love affair - 秘密の恋

  31. plagued - 苦しめられている

  32. guilt - 罪悪感

  33. anxiety - 不安

  34. wrong - 間違っている

  35. help - 助ける

  36. feel - 感じる

  37. suspect - 疑う

  38. truth - 真実

  39. caught - 捕まえた

  40. devastated - 衝撃を受けた

  41. confronted - 対峙した

  42. argument - 論争

  43. filed for divorce - 離婚を申し込んだ

  44. moved away - 離れた

  45. ashamed - 恥じて

  46. affair - 不倫

  47. upside down - 逆さまに

  48. pick up the pieces - 破片を集める

  49. strained - 張り詰められた

  50. cautionary tale - 警告の物語









