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  • 弁護士を業務上横領容疑で逮捕 広島地検 顧客の管理口座から1890万円引き出した疑い 中国新聞デジタル
    【AI翻訳】The Hiroshima District Public Prosecutors Office has arrested a lawyer on suspicion of embezzlement. The suspect is accused of illegally withdrawing approximately 18.9 million yen from a client's management account.

  • クラウドストライク急落、システム障害受けデルタが弁護士起用と報道 ブルームバーグ
    【AI翻訳】CrowdStrike's stock price plummeted after reports that Delta Airlines hired a lawyer related to a system outage. The situation is affecting operations, and a response is needed.

  • マネーフォワード 、「若手法務の2人が語る!自分の強みを生かしたキャリア形成と自己実現」セミナー開催 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】Money Forward will hold a seminar featuring two young legal professionals sharing insights on career development and self-realization. Participants will have the opportunity to explore career paths that leverage their strengths.

  • 弁護士の女(48)を逮捕 業務上横領の疑い 管理委任の口座から約1900万円を出金か 広島地検(RCC中国放送) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A female lawyer (48) has been arrested on suspicion of embezzlement. According to the Hiroshima District Public Prosecutor's Office, she is suspected of illegally withdrawing approximately 19 million yen from a management commission account. This incident is shaking trust within the community.

  • 「袴田巌さんに無罪判決を」 9月再審判決、支援団体が静岡地裁に署名提出 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A petition seeking a not guilty verdict for Iwao Hakamada was submitted to the Shizuoka District Court by a support group. This is expected to have an impact on the retrial verdict scheduled for September.

  • 検事の「ガキ」発言訴訟で控訴 元弁護士側、判決不服で 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】A former lawyer has filed an appeal against the ruling regarding the prosecutor's remark, calling it "kid." This lawsuit argues that the prosecutor's statement was inappropriate and the former lawyer claims defamation.

  • 【締切8/30, 12/3, 2/7】~中小企業等の戦略的な外国出願を促進し、知的財産権を活用した海外展開を支援します~「中小企業等海外展開支援事業費補助金」 スタートアップポートヨコハマ
    【AI翻訳】The "Subsidy Program for Overseas Expansion Support for Small and Medium Enterprises" promotes strategic foreign applications and supports overseas expansion using intellectual property rights, with deadlines on August 30, December 3, and February 7.

  • 弁護士の女を逮捕 相続財産の管理で預かった1900万円横領容疑 金を私的に流用か 広島地検 FNNプライムオンライン
    【AI翻訳】A female lawyer in Hiroshima has been arrested on suspicion of embezzling approximately 19 million yen while managing inheritance assets. She is alleged to have misappropriated the funds for personal use, and the Hiroshima District Prosecutor's Office is investigating the case.

  • 「私も裁判官になりたい」夏休みの小学生が最高裁判所の大法廷を見学 判決の言い渡しも体験 TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN
    【AI翻訳】Elementary school students visited the Supreme Court during their summer vacation, experiencing the atmosphere of the courtroom. This was a great opportunity to foster their interest in the law by observing judges and hearing verdicts up close.

  • COVID-19治療用多能性幹細胞由来T細胞製剤の作製に初めて成功—特許出願を完了し臨床試験に向けた開発が本格化 京都大学
    【AI翻訳】Kyoto University has successfully developed a pluripotent stem cell-derived T cell preparation for the treatment of COVID-19 and completed the patent application. This is expected to accelerate the development towards clinical trials.

  • 磯子警察署に逃げ込んだ男性刺殺 交際相手の女に懲役17年判決(tvkニュース(テレビ神奈川)) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A man who fled to the Iso Police Station was stabbed to death by his female partner, who received a 17-year prison sentence. The incident is believed to have stemmed from a domestic dispute, shocking the police station staff.

  • 父親を殴って死亡させた被告に懲役9年求刑 判決は8月9日 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】The defendant who caused the death of his father by beating him is facing a demand for a 9-year prison sentence. The verdict is scheduled to be delivered on August 9, 2024.

  • 強制不妊、東京地裁訴訟和解へ 最高裁判決後初めて 77歳女性と国 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】In Tokyo, a 77-year-old woman who underwent forced sterilization has filed a lawsuit against the government, with the Tokyo District Court working towards a settlement. This marks the first case since the Supreme Court's ruling.

  • 弁護士を業務上横領容疑で逮捕 広島地検 顧客の管理口座から1890万円引き出した疑い(中国新聞デジタル) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】In Hiroshima, a lawyer has been arrested on suspicion of embezzlement for illegally withdrawing 18.9 million yen from a client's management account. The lawyer is accused of betraying the client's trust and abusing the authority gained through legal work.

  • 大津地裁・家裁の小倉新所長 “裁判手続きのデジタル化を nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】The new head of the Otsu District and Family Court expressed the intention to promote the digitization of court procedures. He emphasized the importance of adopting IT technology to achieve efficient operations and prompt hearings.

  • IT活用、刑事裁判で視界不良 民事は全判決をDB化へ 「記録は公共財」意識浸透に期待 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The utilization of IT in Japan's criminal trials is facing challenges, while civil trials are advancing the digitization of all judgments. There are expectations for the awareness of "records as public goods" to permeate.

  • 児童らにわいせつ行為 学童の運営会社元社員に懲役2年実刑判決 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A former employee of a children's activity organization was sentenced to 2 years in prison for committing indecent acts against children. The defendant admitted to the crime, and the incident shocked the community. Measures to prevent reoccurrence are needed in the future.

  • 弁護士が1890万余横領の疑いで逮捕 相続財産の管理委任 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A lawyer, who was entrusted with managing inheritance assets, was arrested on suspicion of embezzling about 18.9 million yen. The victim's family, who had entrusted the lawyer in good faith, is shocked by the betrayal.

  • レクシスネクシスが法務分野の生成AI技術「Lexis+ AI」のデモ披露、コロプラが導入 ITpro
    【AI要約】レクシスネクシスが法務分野向けの生成AI技術「Lexis+ AI」のデモを行い、コロプラがこの技術を導入した。これにより、法律業務の効率化や精度向上が期待されている。
    【AI翻訳】LexisNexis demonstrated its generative AI technology "Lexis+ AI" for the legal field, and Colopl has adopted this technology. This is expected to enhance efficiency and accuracy in legal operations.

  • 夏休みの子どもたちが神戸地裁の法廷で模擬裁判を経験/兵庫県(サンテレビ) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】Children experienced a mock trial at the Kobe District Court, learning about the importance of law while immersing themselves in the courtroom atmosphere. Participants played the roles of judges and lawyers, deepening their understanding of actual judicial procedures.
