


My Dream of Wealth and Peace(豊かさと平和な生活)

I dream of a life where money is no longer a concern. I imagine myself living in a luxurious high-rise apartment in New York, with sleek marble floors and a modern design that reflects my taste. The view from the windows is breathtaking, a constant reminder of the success I've achieved. But my dreams don't stop there. I want to build a beautiful house back home, a place where I can always return to relax and reconnect with my roots.

When I picture this life, I see myself completely at ease. The worries that once occupied my mind are gone, replaced by a deep sense of calm. I no longer have to stress about finances, allowing me to fully enjoy the peace that comes with financial freedom. If my work takes me across the globe, I might even buy a jet, though only out of necessity, as traveling isn't something I particularly enjoy. For my daily commute, I envision myself driving a sleek Bugatti, a symbol of the comfort and luxury that has become my everyday reality.

In this dream, I am not just wealthy—I am truly content. The stress of daily life is replaced by a serene state of mind, allowing me to focus on what truly matters. This is the life I aspire to, one where success is measured not just in wealth, but in the peace and happiness that comes with it.




From Struggles to Dreams.He’s Journey(困難から夢へ。彼の挑戦)

Here’s a bit about him: When he was around 15, he left his home country and moved to another country alone. At first, he struggled to earn enough to cover his living expenses and had to stay with relatives, which must have been very challenging. However, now in his 20s, he has managed to rent his own place and live independently. Although his dream might seem far off considering his current situation, he is definitely making progress toward it.

If he hadn't dreamed of going to America as a child or decided to take action and move, he might still be just imagining that dream. However, by taking action, he achieved the first step of moving to a new country. As people grow older, they often feel that their dreams are slipping away due to practical concerns, but I believe he still has plenty of time and opportunities to achieve his goals.

He tends to be very anxious and focuses on risks, but I believe that if he starts paying attention to the positive aspects, things might gradually begin to change.




How Clear Visualization Makes Dreams Easier to Achieve(夢を実現しやすくするための具体的なイメージの力)

Dr. Tomio Sato, a neuroscientist, taught me that if you have a dream, you should change your habits of speech. Words shape thoughts, and thoughts shape actions. I met Dr. Sato over 20 years ago. He advised, "Always speak your dreams out loud and use positive affirmations."

Here’s a simple explanation of how the brain works, based on Dr. Sato’s insights: The brain has two main parts—old brain and new brain. The old brain controls automatic functions like heart rate and breathing, while the new brain handles thinking and decision-making. The limbic system deals with emotions and memories, and the neocortex is responsible for reasoning and planning. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) helps focus on chosen information. For example, if you start thinking about living in a high-rise in New York, you’ll begin to notice related news and property listings.

Dr. Sato likened setting a goal to setting a destination on a plane. Once you define your goal, your brain will naturally work towards it. He called this the "automatic goal-achievement device." Writing down your goal or speaking it out loud accelerates the process.

I wrote about my friend’s dream on Note to help him visualize it more clearly and figure out what changes he needs to make to achieve it.

Backwards Thinking=逆算思考






Do dreams often come at the worst possible time?(叶えたい夢は一番タイミングが悪い時に来る⁉)

Here’s a summary from a video I happened to watch yesterday featuring bestselling author Ken Honda, discussing the common traits of people who achieve their desired results.

Ken Honda dreamed of staying in Australia since he was 14, but he didn’t receive support from his family and it took him 40 years to realize this dream. He couldn’t even share his dream with his strict father and received disappointing reactions from his mother. Despite this, Ken didn’t give up on his dream and, after many years, he finally achieved it. In the video, he shares, “When I landed at Brisbane Airport in Australia at the end of my round-the-world trip, I felt an overwhelming sense of emotion. I was so moved that my whole body trembled and I cried. In my imagination, my mother was on my right and my father on my left, and together we landed on this land. It wasn’t that I gave up on my dream; I just waited and, in the end, my dream waited for me too.”

Ken further explains, “Having a dream can sometimes make you feel like it’s impossible or even make you feel like the dream is torturing you. However, even if that dream never comes true, if you can look back on it and think, ‘Even though it didn’t come true, I’m happy I had that dream,’ that is a wonderful thing. There are ways to live without dreams, but having dreams makes life more colorful and richer.”

Ken Honda shared a powerful message at the end of his video. He encouraged viewers to:

  1. Write about a dream that you almost gave up on but couldn't. Explain why this dream is so important to you. By sharing a dream that you can't give up on, you can revive and breathe new life into it.

  2. Detail why this dream is so significant to you. Express what makes this dream so essential and why it has remained a central part of your life despite challenges.

  3. Identify the specific support you need to achieve your dream. Consider what types of support could help make your dream a reality, such as financial resources, connections, encouragement, or assistance. Write about what support you need to move closer to realizing your dream.

One of the most striking things Ken Honda said was, "Dreams come to you at the most difficult times." He reflected, "The bigger the dream, the longer and harder the journey to achieve it. Sometimes, it can take decades. But no matter what, promise yourself that you will never give up. It took me 40 years to achieve my dream."

Dear friend

Your dream of living in a high-rise apartment in New York might still take some time to come true. However, with your diverse talents and meticulous, hardworking nature, I believe you can achieve that dream.


本田健さんは14歳の時からオーストラリアへのホームステイを夢見ていましたが、家族からの支援は得られず、実現には40年かかりました。 特に厳しい父親には夢を伝えることすらできず、母親からも期待外れの反応を受けることがありました。それでも健さんは夢を諦めず、長い年月をかけてついに実現しました。動画の中で「世界一周の旅の最後にオーストラリアのブリスベン空港に降り立った瞬間、深い感動を覚えました。その瞬間は全身が震えるほどの感動で、涙が出ました。 僕のイメージの中で、母親が右、左に父に立ち、3人でブリスベンの地に降り立ったんです。夢をあきらめたわけじゃなく、ずっと待ち続けた結果、夢もちゃんと待っていてくれたと感じました」。


さらに健さんは、「夢を持っていると、『もう無理だ』と感じたり、逆に自分を苦しめている錯覚に陥ることもあります。しかし、仮にその夢が一生叶わなかったとしても、最後にその夢を思い返し、『叶わなかったけれど、夢を持っていたことは幸せだったな』と感じるなら、それはとても素晴らしいことです。 夢を持たない生き方もありますが、夢を持つことで人生はもっとカラフルで豊かになります」と動画の中で語っています。


  1. 諦めようと思ったけれど、諦められなかった夢について書いてください。 その夢がなぜそんなに大切なのかも説明してください。諦められないほど大切な夢を書いて多くの人にシェアすることで、その夢に再び命を吹き込むことができると思います。

  2. なぜその夢が大切なのかについても書いてください。 どんな困難があっても、その夢があなたの人生でどれほど重要であるかを表現してください。

  3. あなたの夢を叶えるために具体的にどんなサポートが必要なのかを明確にしてください。 たとえば、お金、人脈、誰かの励ましやサポートなど、夢を実現するために必要な支援を考え、それについても書いてください。




経営コンサルタントや投資家としての経験を経て、29歳でセミリタイア生活を送り、その後、34歳で作家デビューを果たす。著書には『ユダヤ人大富豪の教え』や『20代にしておきたい17のこと』、累計発行部数は800万部を突破。2019年6月には、初めて英語で書き下ろした著作『Happy Money』を米国、英国、豪州で同時刊行し、世界40カ国以上での発売。

Here is a shareable article about how to achieve your dreams, based on the detailed approach by Ken Honda, who has publicly stated his long-time dream of becoming a world-renowned author:

