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You can depend on everyone.

When I became depressed, at first I was hesitant to talk about my situation, even to my closest friends. I was embarrassed and did not want to bother anyone. My mother also told me that it would be better not to tell anyone so as not to cause trouble outside of my family.

But I could not resist. Maybe it was just my personality, but in the end I asked for help from so many people.

Family and relatives, close friends from high school, childhood friends, people who live far away who became close to me through work, former colleagues, partners, phone counseling, my mother's work colleagues, etc. More than 50 people just to recall.

Not to forget the two dogs who accompanied me on walks.

My favorite dogs. Even though they were old, they always accompanied me on walks. "Moko" on the left passed away on April 11 this year. Thank you, Moco.

I have caused a lot of trouble and worry to you and my dogs. Thanks to all of you, I am still able to live.

If you are suffering from depression right now and you don't want to bother anyone, I would say to you, don't worry.

It is okay to ask someone for help when you need it. And someday, you can help someone else. I want our society to be structured that way. I think it should be that way.

The world is not as cold as you might worry. I have interviewed many first-timers for Internet articles, and everyone is basically friendly. This is something I have learned from experience.

You can thank people when they are well. Being well is the greatest thanks.

From now on, I will thank everyone who has helped me. I will do my best in any way I can for you all, and one of the ways I can thank you is by writing articles about this experience and sending them out.

And I will live well until the very end.

In order to thank you all, I must stay healthy and well myself. So I have decided that my number one task is to be healthy. If my depression returns, I will cause you all trouble and worry again, and if I am not healthy, I will not be able to help those who are suffering.

In addition, and this is something I have been thinking about since before I became depressed, I will make it my goal to live as happily as possible. My father, who was always smiling, was also depressed and committed suicide. This makes me think that my father was ultimately unhappy. This is really sad.

When I remember someone who has passed away, I want to think, "I am sad that he died, but he lived a happy life. I want people to think that way about me after I die.

I believe that living as healthy and as joyful a life as possible is an expression of my gratitude to all of you.

Overcoming depression is your chance to be strong. It's like growing muscles.

I have recently been doing strength training. When you put a load on a muscle, once it is damaged, but when it is repaired, it becomes stronger than before.

I think depression is the same as that. I believe that a person who has been damaged by depression can develop stronger mental strength than before after overcoming depression.

If the damage is severe, it may take time to repair. But it will definitely repair and you will be stronger than before.

I noticed through my experience with depression that there were many people around me who had also experienced depression. Looking at them, I see that everyone who has overcome depression has become stronger. They have also changed their way of thinking and found a way to live more comfortably.

If you are in a difficult situation now, think of it as an opportunity to overcome the situation and become stronger in the future. You may think, "I am weak and not worth living. "But after being deeply hurt, you will definitely become stronger than that in the future. Just as if you draw a bow hard, the arrow will fly faster.

This applies not only to depression, but also to our everyday interactions with others. When you are hurt by something someone says or does, think of it as a load off your mind to make you stronger.

When you think of it this way, you will even begin to appreciate the person who hurt you. Of course, keep your distance from those who intentionally try to hurt you.

This concludes the "For People Suffering from Depression" section.

The next article will be for anyone who wants to help those around them who are depressed.

(Translator : Masanori Ando
