
イライラしやすい体質を変える方法-How to change your tendency to be easily irritated-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced the topic of wanting to eliminate vague anxieties about the future! The answer was that you unconsciously fear having only one thing to which you are committed. If you are interested, please check out that article as well. This time, I will introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "Techniques to control your mind."


"Willpower is known as the ability to control one's own irritability. The best way to increase willpower is through meditation. In the world of psychology, the principle that "if you cannot control yourself, you cannot control others" has long been known, and meditation has been considered important. Recent psychological research has shown that even five or ten minutes of meditation a day is effective enough."


"When you continue meditating every day and your total time for meditating exceeds three hours, you will begin to develop self-control. If you continue for another eight weeks, the physical shape of your brain will begin to change. The area of ​​your brain that controls self-control, called gray matter, will become enlarged, and your ability to control yourself will increase. Then, you will no longer get irritated by the same things."


What did you all think? It's quite difficult to change the behavior of others, isn't it? If that's the case, it might be quicker to change yourself so that you don't feel stressed as much, or to release it effectively. I've never meditated before, but I burn incense and stretch before going to bed so that I can sleep with my mind and body relaxed! I also recommend this! I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


