
ポリフェノールで若返る!?-Rejuvenate with polyphenols!?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced you to the natural "medicine" that can help prevent summer fatigue! When you feel fatigued from the summer heat, it's good to actively consume foods rich in vitamin B1, such as pork, eel, brown rice, buckwheat, soybeans, liver, and chicken. If you're interested, please check out that article. And this time, we'll introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "Doctors' Dietary Tips."


"There are several types of "polyphenols," which are well known as substances that prevent aging. Be sure to actively consume them from a variety of foods. Red wine is rich in "anthocyanins," and their antioxidant effect is said to be the basis of the French paradox. Blueberries also contain a lot of anthocyanins. Soybean "isoflavones" can also be consumed from tofu, natto, and soy milk."


"Tannins" in coffee and black tea, and "catechins" in green tea are also types of polyphenols with strong antioxidant effects. Onions, citrus fruits, and Soba contain "rutin," and chocolate contains a lot of "cocoa polyphenols." The first and second place people in the world's longevity rankings both ate chocolate almost every day."



What did you all think? I've attached a list of foods that are high in polyphenols below, so please take a look if you'd like. By the way, I consume them almost every day, except for red wine lol. Of course, it's for health reasons, but I also simply like them because they're delicious lol. I recommend Meiji's 72% cacao chocolate. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.



 【明治 チョコレート効果カカオ72%】


著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社

