
My experiences in NZ #32

Hello there.
Yesterday, I mentioned that I took an interview and technical exam together at “Chateau Tongariro hotel.” However, I’ve just discovered it had been bankrupted in February of this year. I was shocked.

Anyway, I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

Returning from Mt. Tongariro, I had been having lazy days, sleeping until noon and hanging out with my friends at night.

One day, I went to the Japanese market called “Japama,” not “Pajama,” and found the job information for the Japanese restaurant. I ripped it off and took it home.

For a while, I had been thinking if I should apply or not since the purpose of coming to NZ was to work at the hotel. Meanwhile, the money I brought was almost running out.

May I excuse myself why I was almost running out of money, just in case? First, I extended the language school for three weeks than initially planned and paid for. Second, I had to make additional copies of my resume, plus the postage cost.

After much consideration, I decided to apply for the Japanese restaurant as a waitress.

That’s all for today, and to be next time. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and see you around.
