

PBS NewsHour Dec. 11, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction 

[02:38] International criticism grows as Israel says it's prepared for long fight in Gaza 

Israeli officials said they're prepared for a long fight and they’ve forced Hamas to the breaking point in northern Gaza where militants in the field must "surrender or be killed." This comes as international criticism over Israel's war grows. Geoff Bennett reports.

[06:17]★今日のおすすめ★ Israel targets infrastructure in Gaza to ramp up civilian pressure on Hamas, report claims 

An investigative report says Israel is deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure in Gaza to ramp up "civilian pressure" on Hamas. The reporting by the independent +972 Magazine and the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call includes interviews with several current and former sources in Israel's intelligence community. Geoff Bennett discussed the story with its lead reporter, Yuval Abraham.
《Israel has launched over 22,000 military strikes into Gaza since the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, with a death toll of more than 18,000. That's according to the Gaza Health Ministry; the (Israeli) military has largely abandoned previous protocols, and now it is allowing soldiers, according to sources, to knowingly kill hundreds, several hundred Palestinian civilians in an attempt to assassinate one senior Hamas member; in the past, according to sources, for a single assassination attempt, dozens of Palestinian civilians would be allowed to be killed. This has become 10 times or 20 times the number that was allowed in the past after October 7; we know that more than 1,000 power targets were already bombed; the IDF has an A.I. target creation platform called the Gospel, which has significantly accelerated the identification of military targets; one source said that the only thing that he felt was actually limiting the death of civilians in Gaza was international pressure, and specifically U.S. pressure; these are sources that are in the military. They obviously care about the security of Israelis, but they felt that what was going on was unjustifiable in Gaza. And I think this is part of the reason why they were willing to speak out against it; 》

[12:06] News Wrap 

The special counsel prosecuting former President Trump (= Jack Smith) asked the Supreme Court to rule on his claim of legal immunity from charges of trying to subvert the 2020 election results, Ukraine President Zelenskyy arrived in Washington to ask for an end to the stalemate over American aid and a spokesperson says the jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is missing.
《Smith hopes to keep a March 4 trial date; Trump opted not to return to the witness stand in the civil fraud trial against his family business. He had already testified in his own defense in early November. The trial is set to wrap up in a few days, with a decision expected in January; Trial began today on how much Rudy Giuliani must pay two Georgia election workers for falsely accusing them of fraud in the 2020 election... The former Trump lawyer has already been found liable for defamation; Local elections in Hong Kong have wiped away the last vestige of democratic rule. Mainland China loyalists dominated Sunday's races after opposition candidates were barred. Only about 27 percent of 4.3 million registered voters cast ballots. That's down from 71 percent in the last such elections in 2019; 香港区議会選挙、民主政治の最後の名残が消滅; 香港の選挙; The United Nations' COP 28 climate summit neared its climax today in Dubai, as criticism mounted that a draft agreement is too weak. The proposal sidestepped calls to phase out fossil fuels... The summit is scheduled to end tomorrow; a pregnant woman has left Texas for an abortion after challenging the state's near-total ban. Kate Cox says her fetus has a likely fatal condition that could jeopardize her own health; ジャック・スミス; アレクセイ・ナワリヌイ; テキサス州: 妊娠中絶; 》

[15:22] Back in this country, a pregnant woman has left Texas for an abortion after challenging the state's near-total ban. Kate Cox says her fetus has a likely fatal condition that could jeopardize her own health. She is now 20 weeks' pregnant, and her lawyers said today she can't wait longer for the state Supreme Court to rule. Her legal challenge will continue.
[** 関連ニュース ]

[16:28] Harvard president under pressure to resign after testimony about antisemitism on campus 

The president of Harvard University remains in her job, but there's been heavy debate about whether she should be allowed to stay. It all comes in response to how three high-profile university presidents spoke during a tense congressional hearing about antisemitism on some campuses. Laura Barron-Lopez reports.
《Claudine Gay, Harvard President; クローディン・ゲイ; a heated line of questioning from Republican representative Elise Stefanik; Reprehensible speech should be answered by more speech, by being refuted, not by being criminalized; Sally Kornbluth, MIT President; Liz Magill, former President, University of Pennsylvania; Before Magill's resignation, more than 70 members of Congress, all but three of whom were Republican, signed a letter demanding the three presidents step aside; some progressive members, including the only Palestinian-American in Congress, Rashida Tlaib, say allegations of antisemitism are being weaponized to silence legitimate criticisms of Israel; 》

[17:57] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Stefanik was referring to slogans that have been chanted at pro-Palestinian rallies on campus, such as "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." That phrase, adopted by Hamas, is seen by some as a call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jewish people. Others say it's a decades-old rallying call for a state where all Palestinians can live freely alongside Israelis.

[** "From the river to the sea" ... is a political slogan that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which currently includes the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories... The slogan's usage by … Palestinian militant groups has led critics to argue that the slogan implicitly advocates for the dismantling of Israel, the denial of Jewish self-determination and a call for the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Jewish population... 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea ]

[22:54]★今日のおすすめ★ Russia's ethnic minorities disproportionately conscripted to fight the war in Ukraine 

In the nearly two years since Russia invaded Ukraine, 300,000 Russian soldiers have died or been wounded, many of them conscripts. For soldiers from Siberia and Russia’s Far East, home to many of Russia’s ethnic minorities, the price has been overwhelming. Nick Schifrin and producer Sarah Cutler have some of their stories.
《Vladimir Putin's war machine considers ethnic minorities with less education and fewer resources cannon fodder; The BBC found that six of the 10 Russian regions with the highest mortality rates in Ukraine are located in Siberia and the far east. And that men from Buryatia, a Russian republic whose residents are descended from Mongols, are 75 times more likely to die than men from Moscow; One of the official reasons for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin cited the denazification of Ukraine. But we are people who have repeatedly encountered manifestations of racism and xenophobia on the territory of the Russian Federation itself; 》

[25:39] NATALIA ARNO: When Putin's Russia attacked Ukraine, it's definitely a genocide, a very tragic genocide of Ukrainians. Simultaneously, inside Russia, there is an ethnocide of ethnic minorities.

[** ethnocide = the extermination of a race (thefreedictionary); The deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic group, accomplished either by destroying the members of the group (genocide) or by destroying its cultural identity (culturicide) (wiktionary) //
< ethno- = race, people + -cide = kill ]

[29:04] Time running out for GOP candidates to make race competitive as Trump grows Iowa lead 

As Republican presidential contenders courted early-state voters and Wall Street donors, one candidate faced threats of violence. Vivek Ramaswamy’s campaign said police arrested a man for making specific death threats at the candidate and supporters. Lisa Desjardins reports.
《police arrested a man for making specific death threats at the candidate and supporters; the largely evangelical crowd raised questions about voting for someone, Vivek Ramaswamy of Hindu faith; 》

[32:03]★今日のおすすめ★ Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on Democratic concerns about Biden's poll numbers 

NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Geoff Bennett to discuss the latest political news, including Democratic concerns over Biden's poll numbers and how the party would choose a different candidate.

[32:51] Phillips is out there saying that basically Joe Biden's poll numbers aren't great, which is a true fact, and that somehow he is the solution. What he says is that, in polling, Donald Trump versus a generic Democrat performs better -- the generic Democrat performs better than Joe Biden. And Dean Phillips then says, you can call me generic if you want to. So his argument is basically that, in a race between a ham sandwich and Donald Trump, a ham sandwich could do quite well, and he's happy to be the ham sandwich. But it's really not clear that that is an argument that would hold up going beyond New Hampshire.

[** ham sandwich = Something utterly commonplace, of modest value (wiktionary) //
この文脈では、直前に出て来たgeneric Democratを言い換えてham sandwichと言っている ]

[* to hold up = to continue to function without losing effectiveness, endure ]

[34:23] Look, if we're going to talk about the poll numbers, it is true that Joe Biden is in a world of hurt for an incumbent president going into a presidential year, opinions about his handling of the presidency very low, lower than even I think where Donald Trump was at this point going into 2020.

[** world of hurt = A large or intense amount of pain, misfortune, poor treatment, etc. (thefreedictionary) ]

[36:14] GEOFF BENNETT: Looking ahead to New Hampshire, because President Biden has decided to skip New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary, his name isn't on the ballot, which means that there is this grassroots effort to mount a write-in campaign.

[** write-in < write-in candidate = a candidate for public office whose name does not appear on the ballot and so must be written on the ballot by the voters ]

[37:00] There are 21 candidates for the Democratic nomination in New Hampshire because New Hampshire is quirky and ballot access is pretty easy. And so they have to not only convince people, like, even though the president isn't on the ballot, you should go through the trouble of voting, and then also that you should look past all 21 people, find the empty bubble, bubble that in, and then write Joe Biden. The thing they do have going for them is that Joe Biden is easy to spell.

[** bubble = A rounded or irregularly shaped outline, as in a cartoon or other drawing, containing a character's speech or thoughts, as represented by words or pictures. (漫画のセリフの)吹き出し //
この文脈では、投票用紙の空いているところに、漫画の吹き出しのような欄を勝手に作って、そこにBidenの名前を書き入れて投票するということだと思われる。 ]

[* to go for someone = to be of support or value to someone. 有利になる、助けになる ]

[38:14] GEOFF BENNETT: Amy, ever since President Biden said in that fund-raiser last week that he's not sure if he'd be running if Donald Trump wasn't also in this race...
GEOFF BENNETT: ... let's say Donald Trump's candidacy collapses for whatever reason, and President Biden decides to hang up his cleats. He says, look, the premise for my campaign isn't what it used to be. I'm going to pass the torch. What would that do to the Democratic nominating process?

[** to hang up one's cleats = to hang up one's boots = to retire //
cleats = スパイクシューズ ]

[40:17] Research shows climate change already putting human health at risk 

As the U.N. climate conference nears its end, there's concern over whether countries can or will meet prior pledges to hold down global temperatures. If temperatures continue to climb, the impact on health could be profound and some doctors say their profession is not prepared. William Brangham reports in collaboration with the Global Health Reporting Center with support from the Pulitzer Center.
《Satchit Balsari, E.R. doctor and co-director of the CrisisReady initiative at Harvard; climate medicine; 》

[44:00] CAROLINE BUCKEE, Harvard University: Trying to do better models, using microclimate variation.

[** microclimate = a small, local region having a unique pattern of weather or weather effects that differ from the local climate (wiktionary)]

[45:30] These doctors and nurses are working towards a diploma in climate medicine.

[** climate medicine = The concept is to think about climate change and its impact on human health...
https://news.cuanschutz.edu/news-stories/can-climate-change-affect-my-health ]

[48:31] Baz Luhrmann discusses adapting his film 'Australia' into a TV miniseries 

The new Hulu miniseries, “Faraway Downs,” is set in Australia’s far north on the cusp of World War II. It’s a story with war, romance and the star power of Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. It’s also a rare instance of one of the world’s leading filmmakers reworking his own earlier material into something new. Jeffrey Brown spoke with director Baz Luhrmann for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.

[49:42] BAZ LUHRMANN, Director: I knew that I had all this material. And as I looked at the material, I realized that episodic storytelling really suited the epic nature of it. And I just thought about, I could really lean into the idea, particularly from the indigenous child's point of view, from his telling.
JEFFREY BROWN: The result is "Faraway Downs," now a miniseries that unfolds over nearly four hours in six separate episodes, with new scenes, even -- spoiler alert -- a completely new ending.

[** spoiler alert = ネタバレ注意 ]

[50:31] JEFFREY BROWN: Most important, Luhrmann says, a greater focus on the indigenous, through new music composed and performed by contemporary musicians and a storyline centered on the then-official government policy of separating biracial children like Nullah played by Brandon Walters from their indigenous families. The practice, impacting what came to be known as the Stolen Generations, ended only in the 1970s.

[** The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen Children) were the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian federal and state government agencies and church missions... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Generations ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) 盗まれた世代 ]

[51:13] JEFFREY BROWN: A serious subject, but, as he says, wrapped within broad strokes, even high comedy, as in a scene left over from "Australia" in which Kidman watches the well-muscled Jackman have an outdoor rinse. Luhrmann, who got his start in theater and opera, loves both high and low in art.
BAZ LUHRMANN: As Shakespeare would use broad comedy to get you kind of discombobulated and then hit you with the meat of the issue, and I do that in "Faraway Downs" and "Australia."

[* broad strokes = If you describe or show something in broad strokes or in broad brushstrokes, you describe or show only the main or general points or features of it and not the fine or exact details ]

[** high comedy = a type of comedy characterized by witty dialogue and satire, as opposed to lowbrow farce (wiktionary) ]

[** broad comedy = Style or sub-genre of comedy that employs humor of a particularly physical, over-the-top, indecent, or otherwise unsubtle nature (urbandictionary) ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

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