
Yoga Philosophy Vol.1 Ethical Practice 倫理的な実践

はじめましてMisaと申します。この記事を読んでくださってありがとうございます。English is below.






このシリーズは「Yoga Philosophy:ヨガ哲学」です。哲学と聞くと難しいイメージがありますが、なるべくわかりやすく説明します。今回は「倫理的な実践」についてお話しします。

Hi, I am Misa.
I have been practising yoga for about 12 years, and I love it. The reason why yoga is appealing to me is that it brings balance and richness to my life.

As I continue with my self-introduction gradually, let's get into the main topic for now.

When you hear the word "yoga," many people might have an image of doing challenging poses or being upside down.

Actually, that is just a part of yoga, as yoga encompasses various aspects.

This series is about "Yoga Philosophy." I understand that philosophy may sound complicated, but I will try to explain it in a simple and understandable way. In this session, I will talk about "Ethical Practices".

Yama and Niyama




  • アヒンサ:非暴力

  • サチャ:真実

  • アステヤ:盗まない

  • ブラフマチャリヤ:過度ではない

  • アパリグラハ:所有欲や欲望を持たない



  • サウチャ:純潔

  • サントーシャ:満足

  • ターパス:自己訓練、感覚の調整

  • スヴァーダヤーヤ:自己研究、内的探求

  • イーシュヴァラ・プラニダーナ:降伏








The Yamas and Niyamas are ethical guidelines in yoga that are explicitly mentioned as the first two stages of Patanjali's Eightfold Path.

In simple terms, Yamas can be understood as self-restraints, things to be observed and practised. Niyamas, on the other hand, represent actions and observances that we should cultivate. Yamas consist of five self-regulating behaviours that involve our interactions with others and the world:

  1.  Ahimsa: Nonviolence

  2. Satya: Truthfulness

  3.  Asteya: Non-stealing

  4. Brahmacharya: Moderation

  5.  Aparigraha: Non-possessiveness

Niyamas encompass individual practices related to our inner world:

  1.  Sauca: Purity

  2.  Santosa: Contentment

  3.  Tapas: Self-discipline, austerity

  4.  Svadhyaya: Self-study, self-reflection

  5.  Isvara Pranidhana: Surrender to a higher power

These guidelines serve as a framework for personal growth and self-awareness in yoga practice, extending beyond the physical aspects of yoga. By incorporating the Yamas and Niyamas into our lives, we cultivate a balanced and enriched existence.
Now that you understand the Yamas and Niyamas, try to apply them to yourself.

In your daily life, how well can you practice them?

Ethical practices (Yama and Niyama) are essential to a fruitful yogic practice.

Our attitudes, thoughts, and emotions are more than just spiritual mental substances; they also have an impact on our bodies. If we have stressful thoughts, our bodies physically tense up. Therefore, in yoga practice, it is important to have a peaceful mind and show compassion and patience towards ourselves.

This is to ensure that negative patterns of consciousness do not cause additional stress when moving the body.

Furthermore, ethical actions are the source of positive relationships with others and the world, contributing to greater harmony between the individual and their environment. This leads to better overall harmony between the individual and the environment.

Let's Practice in your life








次回は Yoga Philosophy Vol.2 Pranayama 呼吸のテクニック

Om Shanti

The idea of yoga practice is not just to focus, be aware, mindful, and calm on the mat but to carry this state of being with us at all times. By doing so, it can have a deeper impact beyond just physical benefits. While we may initially come to yoga for the physical aspects, many of us continue because we sense that there is something more profound at work here.

The Yamas and Niyamas are often seen as moral codes or principles for right living. They form the foundation of our entire practice, and honouring these ethics as we progress along the path means being mindful of every action and cultivating a more present and aware state of being. It's interesting to note that these five Yamas and five Niyamas resemble the Ten Commandments and the Ten Virtues of Buddhism, showing that while we are different, we are also united in our shared values.

I personally practice these principles daily. It can be effective to set long-term goals and daily intentions while keeping the Yamas and Niyamas in mind. Taking time in the morning to contemplate how we want our day to unfold can be beneficial, and reflecting on the day before going to bed is also important.

I encourage everyone to be conscious of this philosophy and practice it in their daily lives.

Next time, we will discuss Yoga Philosophy Vol. 2: Pranayama, the techniques of breath control.

Thank you;)

Om Shanti 
