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Feeling needed is important.

This is about something I was glad someone did for me when I was suffering from depression.

At that time I was very much indebted to my childhood friend's family.

While I was walking around looking for a building where I could commit suicide, I happened to meet a woman who had known me since childhood. When she learned about my situation, she cried and said, "Let's have dinner together at my house. I will pick you up at night."

Since that day, as many times as I can remember, I have been invited to her house to have dinner with her. Every day, every day, she came to my house to pick me up with her little boy.

She had a big family with her parents living together, and whenever I went to her house, there was always a lot of homemade food prepared. Her father would usually engage me in idle conversation, saying things like, "I'm a big fan of these tenkasu."

At that time, I was emotionless and my face had no expression. Still, I was happy, and to me in this state, her children asked with pleasure, "Will you come again tomorrow?"

I am not alone.

My friends who forgave me for saying "I want to die," Motoo-san who kept calling me a "wonderful person," and my childhood friend's family who invited me to their house. Thanks to the warm support of so many people, little by little I have come to think that I am not alone and that I am needed by someone.

I think that people who feel hard when they hear other people's hard stories can be honest with them about it. Back then, I didn't think it was a choice either, and I was simply looking for anyone to listen to me.

My friends from school seemed to have decided that when they met and talked with me, it would be in a group, not alone, so that we could all talk and not be hard on each other.

The emotional base is indifference.

Why did my symptoms become so severe? I think that the base of my symptoms is "rustiness" and "lack of self-confidence. I wrote "rustiness," but I do not dislike being alone, so my "rustiness" may be "indifference.

I grew up in a fairly laissez-faire household.

My mother put her work first, and I felt her "indifference" from the time I was very young. I thought she was not interested in me at all. In fact, I think my mother was interested in me in her own way, but I could not sense it. Because of my mother's various attitudes, I assumed that she was not interested in me.

As I grew up, I developed into a person who "doesn't expect anything from anyone and can get by on my own". At first glance this may seem strong, but at the base of it was a lack of self-confidence.

Although I say that I don't expect anyone, I rely on many people for my work and my illness. This may seem contradictory, but basically I don't expect anything from anyone. That's why the article is about the emotion of "I'm glad you are so kind to me even though I don't expect it". On the other hand, if you expect too much from someone, you are more likely to be disappointed.

Only you can do that.

What I wanted to say is that if someone is suffering from depression, tell them, "You are very important to me. Preferably from childhood, even before the person becomes ill.

This cannot be done by a doctor or a counselor. It can only be done if you have a deep relationship with that person.

You don't need to say, "I need you," "I love you," or words like that, just listen and accept. I think that is the only way to convey love.

Motoo-san kept saying words of approval to me, which made me feel that he is always on my side.

That kind of response from those around you gives a person confidence. My depression has helped me gain confidence that I could not have gained on my own, with the support of many people.

My mother struggled and worried about me the most. Seeing how tired my mother was made me understand that she was not indifferent to me (I thought I had always understood this, but deep down I did not fully comprehend it).

When they forced me to stay in the hospital, it was as if my mind reverted to that of a child, and I asked my mother, "Can you come see me every day?" She replied, "I am your mother, of course". It was mid-summer, but she really did come to see me every day, even though it took three hours to get there.

My brother also came to see me many times. It was unusual for the hospital to have a family member who came to see a patient that often. The family, which used to have little conversation, has improved a lot.

However, I still have a relationship with my mother that is not easy. Because we are so close to each other, we sometimes hurt each other and are not always honest with each other.

I think that the relationship with parents, especially from childhood, can be complicated and affect us all the way into adulthood. In fact, my family had a complicated relationship, but my mother worked hard to raise us, having lost my father when I was very young.

I once visited the hospital where my mother worked. My mother was very kind to her patients and worked very hard. Even when I was a child, she worked very hard, not out of malice, but because her work was important to her.

Continued in next post.

(Translator : Masanori Ando





