
営業の大切な7つの心得〜その2「断る」選択肢を持つ〜Seven Important Things to Remember in Sales: Part 2: Have the Option to Say No


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced the seven important things to keep in mind for salespeople from "The Complete Guide to Working in Sales" - number 1, "Invest in your physical condition." Top salespeople who stay in the business for a long time, without exception, keep their bodies in good condition. If you're interested, please check out that article. And this time, we'll introduce some excerpts from the title. We encourage people other than those in sales to take a look.


When you feel that something is obviously "impossible" or "unreasonable," it is necessary to "refuse." First of all, clearly explain the "reason" honestly, such as "I'm fully loaded with the work I'm currently working on, and it's difficult to do any more." Only you have a complete grasp of your workload. When the requester hears this, they may understand and assign the work to someone else or give you more time.”


”What if they still insist on making a request? In order to minimize the damage of an unreasonable request without lowering your rating, I recommend that you offer an "alternative" from your side. If you cannot take on all the work the requester asks for, you can present the conditions under which you can do it, such as "I can do only this part right away." This way, you can refuse but still process the request without lowering your rating.”


What did you all think? This is the second important thing to remember when it comes to sales. If you take on unreasonable requests too easily, it can lead to trouble later. On the other hand, if you immediately refuse by saying "it's impossible," the other person won't want to ask you again. When you want to refuse, prepare a "reason" and an "alternative" and communicate it sincerely. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.







