
男女が分かり合えない理由〜その2〜Why men and women can't understand each other ~ Part 2 ~

-Monotasking man and multitasking woman-


In the previous article, I introduced the first reason why it is said that men and women do not understand each other. The male brain wants to be dominant, and the female brain tries to empathize. If you are interested, please check those articles as well. This time, I would like to introduce the second reason why it is said that men and women cannot understand each other due to the difference in brains.


"Because the male brain is basically a monotask, it can only do one thing in front of it.He can't concentrate unless he exclude other things from his front.On the other hand, the female brain, which is good at "while", is said to be multitasking.She can literally do multiple things at the same time."


“For example, a woman with a multitasking brain can fold the laundry while watching TV or sweep the carpet.From the point of view of a person with a female brain that can be taken for granted, people with a male brain will think, 「Why can't you do it at the same time!」”


How was everyone? Did you have any idea? I'm not very good at doing multiple things at once. Just saying to a woman, 「I can't because of the structure of my brain,」doesn't solve anything. I think it's a good idea to start with the simple things first. See you soon. thank you very much.


