
Total solar eclipse 2024 In English version

⭐七夕の星空/Starry sky of Tanabata⭐️

⭐越前海岸の天の川/Milky Way on the Echizen Coast⭐️

⭐天の川のアーチ/Milky Way Arch⭐️

⭐今夜のお月様(月齢15.6)Tonight's moon (age 15.6)⭐️

⭐パワーショベルと天の川/Power shovel and the Milky Way⭐️

⭐ホタルの軌跡/Firefly Trail⭐️

⭐電信柱と北斗七星/Telegraph pole and the Big Dipper⭐️

⭐大滝とおりひめ星/Otaki and Orihime Star⭐️

⭐勝手にPR-日産セレナと星空-/Self-promotion - Nissan Serena and the starry sky -⭐️

⭐芝生広場の大きな樹木/Large tree on the lawn⭐️

⭐流れ星/shooting star⭐️

⭐七夕:おりひめ星とひこ星/Orihime Star and Hiko Star⭐️

⭐電線の先に天の川/The Milky Way at the end of the wire⭐️

⭐二重の虹/double rainbow⭐️

⭐今夜のお月さま(月齢13.5)/The moon tonight (Moon age 13.5)⭐️

⭐放流警報装置と天の川/Discharge warning device and the Milky Way⭐️

⭐湖の星空/Starry sky over the lake⭐️

⭐天の川とカーブミラー/Milky Way and convex mirror⭐️

⭐吊り橋の前で/in front of the suspension bridge⭐️