
カジュアルに楽しむ着物スタイリング。 Retro Romantic Style

RETORO ROMANをテーマに着物と洋服を組み合わせた和洋折衷なスタイルで、レトロな雰囲気の「京都文化博物館」で撮影を行いました。和らしさのある京都きもの町の羽織をトップスにしてロングスカートとブーツを合わせ、大きく目立つ可愛らしいsampaiのイヤリングとレトロを感じられるrepriseのベレー帽を組み合わせました。


Casual kimono styling

This outfit blend Japanese and Western styles based on the type of kimono that was popular in the Meiji and Taisho eras when Japan was modernizing, incorporating Western-style clothing and boots. It’s perfect for a walk along Sanjo Street, lined with retro-style buildings like the Kyoto Culture Museum. The top is a distinctly Japanese haori from Kyoto Kimonomachi. It’s paired with a long skirt and boots, and combined with some cute, eye-catching earrings from Sampai and a retro-inspired beret from Reprise.

The haori lends a Japanese touch with true Kyoto style, while the combination of a long skirt, boots, and other Western items make it wearable in everyday life. We recommend a haori as an easy way to incorporate kimono into your outfits back in your own country.


