
境内のカフェ編① 佛光寺 d食堂



Bukkō-ji Temple 

D Shokudō

Relax at a downtown temple café

Bukkō-ji temple is a Jōdo Shinshū sect temple located among the downtown office buildings and restaurants about five minutes from the Shijō-Karasuma intersection. Go east from Karasuma Street along the narrow Bukkōji Street named for the temple, and you’ll come across the corner of a white wall. Continue alongside the wall and turn south where you’ll arrive a gate. Enter the gate and you’ll find yourself in a large open space and the main hall of the temple with its imposing roof before you. There are several theories about the origins of Bukkō-ji, but according to the story told over the centuries at the temple itself, it was established when the hut of Shinran Shōnin, the founder of the Jōdo Shinshū sect, was moved here from Yamashina in 1212.

この佛光寺の境内にd食堂という一風変わった名を持つ、若者を中心に人気の高いカフェ・レストランが存在しているのだ。d食堂はD&DEPARTMENTという「ロングライフデザイン」をコンセプトに47都道府県それぞれの地域に根付く食品やアイテムを提案しているプロジェクトのひとつとして、2014年に京都の拠点としてD&DEPARTMENT KYOTOと併設されるかたちで誕生。当時、創始者で代表のナガオカケンメイ氏が京都造形芸術大学(現・京都芸術大学)の教授だった縁で同大学と共同でオープンした。建物はもともと朝の説法や地域のコミュニティスペースとして使われていた茶所を改装したものだそうだ。

Inside the temple grounds there’s a café and restaurant that’s popular among young people, with the unusual name of "d-Shokudō" (“d Cafeteria”). It was opened in 2014 together with the adjoining shop space, D & Department Kyoto, as the Kyoto base of D & Department, an organization that sells food and other products from each of the 47 prefectures, with a concept of “long life design”. This Bukkō-ji location was a collaboration with the then Kyoto University of Art and Design (now Kyoto University of the Arts) where D & Department’s founder, Kenmei Nagaoka, was a professor. The building itself is a renovated teahouse that was formerly used for morning preaching and community activities.


We recommend the additive-free soft-serve ice cream from North Plain Farm in Hokkaido, monaka made with bean paste from Nakamura Seianjo in Kyoto, and coffee made from beans from Nakayama Coffee Roasting Factory, also in Kyoto. The gentle flavors lovingly nurtured by the producers of each of the products really touches the heart, and D & Department’s respect for the ingredients and flavors and the concept of reproducing the lifestyle of each region shines through—you can almost see the faces of the producers and smell the scent of the air of each region.


It’s a great feeling to sit on the terrace here away from the bustle of the city, one’s heart purified from praying before Buddha at the temple, now leisurely taking in the view of Bukkō-ji, savoring coffee and sweets while feeling the breeze and the seasonal faces of the trees. The experience is all the more special when you consider that eating and drinking was often not allowed at temples in the past. We also recommend coming for lunch for the Kyoto-style set meals made with ingredients from Kyoto and neighboring areas. The café seating area features low chairs and tables on tatami matting. The chairs are made by manufacturers of quality wooden furniture, Tendo Mokko of Yamagata Prefecture, and are available for purchase in the shop area along with a host of other items, so don’t forget to stop by to pick up some souvenirs after eating.

【営業時間】午前11時〜午後18時(ラストオーダー フード:午後16時30分/すべて:午後17時)

【Address】397 Shinkai-Cho, Shimogyo-Ku, Kyoto
【Open】11:00 a.m. - 6:00 pm (last orders for food 4:30 pm / all menu items 5:00 pm)
【Closed】Tuesday, Wednesday
【Access】A two-minute walk from Subway Shijo Station Exit 5 / A five-minute walk from Hankyu Karasuma Station Exit 15

