
境内のカフェ編② 二条城 茶房 前田



Nijo Castle

Sabō Maeda

Classic Kyoto café taste at a world heritage site.

The centuries-old stone walls of Nijo Castle are a striking sight among the modern hotels and office buildings that line one of Kyoto’s biggest boulevards, Horikawa Street. Famous as the location where the last Tokugawa shogun, Yoshinobu, proclaimed the restoration of imperial rule and the age of the samurai gave way to the modern political era, World Heritage Site Nijo Castle is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Kyoto for visitors from Japan and overseas alike.

外周およそ2km、総面積はおよそ275,000㎡を有し、市内中心部にもかかわらず空が広く開けていて、まるで自然公園に来たような開放感がある。周囲に張り巡らされたお濠の水に太陽の光が跳ね、数多くの水鳥が遊ぶ風景は、まるで都会のオアシスのよう。周囲をジョギングするランナーの姿も多く、市民の憩いの場としても親しまれている。入城口である東大手門をくぐり左へ、国宝・二の丸御殿から二の丸庭園と歩を進め、本丸とのあいだの小径にある鳴子門をくぐって左に曲がると、茶房 前田が見えてくる。

The vast castle grounds cover some 275,000㎡ with a perimeter of approximately 2 km, and are one of the few places in the central city area where there’s a sense of space and open skies on the scale of a large nature park. The grand outer moat where water birds frolic and sunlight bounces off the water surface is something of an oasis in the city. With the route around the castle being a popular jogging course, the castle also plays an important role in the leisure of the people of Kyoto.
Tucked away in the grounds of Nijo Castle is teahouse-style café Sabō Maeda. To find it, turn left after entering the castle through the Higashi Ote-mon Gate (the main entrance) and head for Ninomaru-goten Palace and Ninomaru Garden. From there, take the path alongside Honmaru-goten Palace, make your way through Naruko-mon Gate, and you’ll see Sabō Maeda ahead on the left.

茶房 前田は、京都の老舗喫茶店である前田珈琲が展開する茶屋風のカフェ。国の重要文化財に指定されている茶室「和楽庵」を改装した建築は、17世紀ごろに活躍した豪商・角倉了以の300年の歴史を有する邸の一部に、表千家から寄贈された中世の武将・豊臣秀吉ゆかりの「残月亭」を模した茶室を増築したもの。眼前には美しい池と松の樹々、そして青々と茂る芝に彩られた和洋折衷庭園「清流園」が広がり、春先には梅や山茱萸(さんしゅゆ)、秋には紅葉、冬には雪景色など、季節ごとの色彩や風を感じることができる。この美しい景色を眺めながら甘味や抹茶を楽しめることが、茶房 前田のなによりの魅力だ。

Sabō Maeda is run by Kyoto’s own Maeda Coffee, whose coffeehouses around the city have been a favorite with locals for decades. The building itself is called Waraku-an and is a designated Important Cultural Property. It’s built from part of the 300-year-old residence of prominent 17th-century merchant Suminokura Ryoi, which was transplanted here and extended with a teahouse gifted by the Omotesenke school of tea modelled on the famous teahouse Zangetsu-tei associated with warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Waraku-an overlooks a beautiful garden called Seiryū-en that combines a pond, pine trees and luscious green grass in a blend of Japanese and Western design elements. The garden takes on different faces depending on the time of year, such as plum and Japanese cornel flowers in early spring, red foliage in autumn, and snowscapes in winter. Looking out over this delightful scene while sipping a cup of tea makes the experience at Sabō Maeda all the more special.


If you’re wondering which of the many tempting menu items to order, we recommend the matcha and sweets set. You can make the matcha yourself, and the sweets are designed with a seasonal touch—they may, for instance, be shaped like a green maple leaf in summer or camellia flower in winter, or made from sweet potato in autumn.


The shaved ice that appears on the menu is a popular choice, or if you’d like to try the classic Maeda taste, we recommend a cup of coffee accompanied by a slice of matcha chiffon cake.
Due to its location at a sightseeing spot, Sabō Maeda is unique among the company’s cafés in that customers are primarily once-off visitors rather than regulars. The staff cherish these chance encounters, and are happy to chat with you about the teahouse, the garden and Nijo Castle, or favorite spots around the city while you enjoy your refreshments.

【住所】京都市中京区二条通堀川西入二条城町541 二条城内
【営業時間】午前8時45分~午後4時(二条城の閉城時間 午後5時)
【二条城 入城料】中高生 1人350円、小学生 1人200円 ※二の丸御殿観覧料含む

【Address】541 Nijo-jo-Cho, Nakagyo-Ku, Kyoto
【Opening hours】8:45 am - 4:00 pm (closes 5:00 pm)
【Closed】December 29th - 31st (Ninomaru-goten Palace may also occasionally be closed on other days for repairs or the like)
【Admission of Nijojo (includes entry to Ninomaru-goten Palace)】Junior high and high school students 350 yen / Primary school students 200yen
【Access】A short walk from subway Nijojo-mae Station or Kyoto City Bus Nijojo-mae Bus Stop

