
【対談】3Questions for avid reader🇩🇪🇯🇵

1.あなたの国の文学の特徴(Characteristics of your country's literature)


1-1ドイツ文学の3つの特徴(Three characteristics of German literature)

ドイツの文学史は広大で多様です。さまざまな時代がありますが、大きく3つの時代にまとめることができます: 中世(1160年頃~1230年頃)、18~19世紀(「ゲーテの時代」)、19~20世紀(第二次世界大戦後、亡命文学、現代文学の時代)

Germany’s history of literature is vast and diverse. While it has many different eras it can be summed up into three big periods: the Middle Ages (c. 1160–c. 1230), the turn of the 18th to the 19th century (the “age of Goethe”), and the turn of the 19th to the 20th (the age of post World War II, exile literature and contemporary literature).



Due to the gaining spread of Christianity in Germany (by the end of the 5th century), people were reeducated and adapting to the Bible’s values which led to literature heavily influenced by Christian views. These works can be characterised by their warning of sinfulness, showing the importance of not dwelling on earthly matters and doing good deeds.
However later on, due to Martin Luther’s Reformation, an immensely important milestone in Germany’s history, an age of extremes and contradictions was born which was also mirrored in its literary works: Vivid imagery, contrasting topics like the lust for life (Carpe Diem) and wishes of dying (Memento Mori).

18th-19th century



Sometimes called the “age of Goethe”, the literature from this time span contains many different attitudes towards thinking and expressing. The 18th century saw the influence of the Enlightenment and Rationalism in Germany. Writers emphasised reason, individualism, and humanism. Literature became a tool for spreading knowledge, critiquing established institutions, and advocating for social and political change. This era was followed by the era of Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress). This movement emerged as a reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and emphasised emotion, individualism, and the sublime in nature.
The late 18th century to early 19th century was characterised by reconciling the ideals of the Enlightenment with the emotional and spiritual needs of individuals. The works produced during this period are characterised by a sense of harmony, balance, and a return to classical forms.

19th-20th century


During the early 19th century, also called the Romanticism era, the thirst for understanding and exploring the unconscious was increasing. Motifs such as the night, hallucinations, a melancholic sense of lack or loss underline this theme. However it also tapped into the supernatural, the mysterious, and the fantastical, individualism and subjectivity, emotion and imagination, nature as a source of inspiration. At the same time Romantics were not bound by traditional literary forms. They often experimented with new styles, structures, and genres. This led to the development of various new poetic forms and narrative techniques.
The following century was marked by the spreading urbanisation and memories of World War I, which makes the 20th century a complex era with multiple movements being born. The biggest being Expressionism: It talks about the chaos of rapidly growing cities as well as the suffering of modern life, a life which is marked by mental problems, a loss of identity, illness and oppression. The use of colours, repetitions of verbs and anaphoras replicate the faster paced tempo during the early 20th century.




To briefly summarize Japanese literature inherited in the modern era, it can be said that the sensibility of Japanese literature is a combination of dynastic literature that reached its zenith in the 8th century, kanji characters imported from China, hiragana characters unique to Japan, and story forms imported from Western literature from the Meiji period to the present day.
(From this point forward, it is assumed that AI will also have an influence.)

1-2-1【前半】日本文学における感性・文字における歴史(The History of Sensibility and Script in Japanese Literature)

From oral literature to written literature (8th century)



Japanese literature began as an act of expression through oral tradition, which at that time included musical and theatrical elements.
In the first half of the 8 century, the oral traditions and legends of the gods and goddesses were transcribed into written form in the Kojiki (712) and Nihonshoki (720).

※The characters were written by forcibly applying the 音・訓readings of kanji characters imported from China to the Japanese language.

Spread of Chinese poetry (mid-8th century)


In addition, in the mid-8th century, under the state body system that imitated the Tang (then China) system, the cultivation of Chinese poetry and writing was something that could not be written by intellectuals, and in terms of literature, Japan's first collection of Chinese poetry, Kai-fu-mo, was compiled.

Kana literature (10th century)



Around the beginning of the 10th century, "Taketori Monogatari," "Ise Monogatari," and "Yamato Monogatari" were created using Japan's original script, and from the end of the 10th century, stories by female authors of the dynasty reached their peak, with "Dragonfly Diary," "Pillow Book," and "Tale of Genji" among the representative works.

*(Stylistic Background)In 894, the stop of the Japanese embassy to China by Sugawara no Michizane provided a major impetus for the development of the hiragana script, which was created from the cursive form of Chinese characters, as a unique script for writing the Japanese language.

1-2-2【後半】19世紀以降の代表的な作品Representative works from the 19th century onward.


Japanese literature since the 18th century has been diverse in literary form, and we will focus on notable writers whose styles continue to influence the present day.


In the Meiji 10's to 20's, with the hastening of the introduction of advanced Western civilization, translations of Western works began to appear in literature as well as in enlightenment activities.
In addition, writers who adopted Western ideas included
Shoyo Tsubouchi, who adopted European realism, and Ogai Mori, who was influenced by German romanticism, both influenced mainstream Japanese writers of later generations.
On the other hand, as a reaction to Europeanization, there was a literary viewpoint called "pseudo-classicalism," which was a restoration of the old-fashioned style, and writers such as Ozaki Momiji and Koda Rohan were cited as influential.


After 1960, consumer goods-like paperbacks were distributed as entertainment against the backdrop of high economic growth. From the Heisei era to 2025, visual culture and information technology have become more sophisticated, and the question is how to break out of this complex cultural ecosystem.

2 第二次世界大戦中の文学と推薦文学作品(1作品)(Literature during World War II and recommended literary works )


東ドイツの代表的な作品ベルトルト・ブレヒト『セズアンの優しい男』(原題:Der gute Mensch von Sezuan

During the years of the Nazi regime and WW2, a lot of German writers exiled into other countries, due to the lack of freedom in speech and writing. The effects of the war as well as the political and social problems in Germany have affected German writers a lot, which is resembled in the post war literature:
Eastern German literature was different and more homogenous than the West. Socialist Realism was the leading form of literary writing of East. The authors were expected to assist in building a socialist society by educating the population in accordance with socialist principles, following rigorous guidelines, through their writing. Numerous themes and attributes surfaced, encompassing the portrayal of production conditions inspired by the Soviet model, the presentation of workers as heroic figures, the representation of a hopeful outlook for the future, a reflection of actuality, and the utilisation of straightforward and readily comprehensible language.
Notable work from East Germany: Bertolt Brecht – "Der gute Mensch von Sezuan”
On the other side, West Germany, some exiled German writers were coming back to the West, but they felt estranged and lost. Topics of these writers include the question of guilt and responsibility for the Holocaust, addressing political and moral questions and depicting individual fates after the war. Later on, social and political turmoil, as well as economic challenges defined the era, causing a shift away from the outside world and a focus on the inside world. Additionally, authors explored their own identity and individuality thematically, which can be distinguished by the very subjective and personal way of writing.

2-2 Japan

・戦中に国民と兵士に読まれた雑誌(Magazine read by the public and soldiers during World War II)

戦中兵士と国民に親しまれた雑誌の一つに、"戦線文庫"と呼ばれるものがあります。戦線文庫には、兵士のみが読める"戦地版" と国民が読める"銃後版"が存在しました。


One of the magazines that were popular among soldiers and the public during the war was called "Senzen Bunko" (Frontline Collection). There were two versions of Senzensen Bunko, one for soldiers only and the other for the general public: "Senjo Bunko" and "Sengo Bunko".

Today, we will introduce one of the works from the "Senzen Bunko" magazine.


神崎武雄:  ※2
昭和17年 『寛容』にて直木賞受賞
昭和19年 9月17日、南シナ海で、アメリカ潜水艦の雷撃を受けて戦艦「雲鷹」とともに沈没。


Takeo Kanzaki: *2
1942 Won the Naoki Prize for "Kanyo".
1944 On September 17, 1944, he and the battleship "Unyo" sank in the South China Sea after being hit by a thunderbolt from an American submarine.

*There are few data available on him because he spent most of his life after winning the Naoki Prize as a member of the Navy's press corps on warships and in Asian countries.







I firmly believe that my country is safe.

The ship, the ship whose mission is death,
The ship, which had been sent out on a desperate mission, returned to the distant waters beyond our reach, having slaughtered ____ enemy ships. (The first thing to be delivered to the returned ship is a letter from Tai and Iego.)

The captain's report begins immediately, pointing to a drawing spread out on a table.
It is a souvenir story that everyone wants to hear, the results of the war.
He speaks plainly, but the contents are not careless.
The submarine has sunk a hundred hated American transports and even a hundred cargo lines.

Mine captain: "On the ○○○○ coast, when this one was hit by ____ torpedoes, the squadron was broken in half and gone while one of the captains was watching" (Interview: other gunnery captains, navigation captains).

These people will take turns resting while taking care of the ship for the next few days, and then they will go out again with a determined determination. They are waiting for it with smiles and cheerful faces. Everyone is friendly and energetic.

(Assessment of Japanese Literature during the War)


During the war, the idea of national prestige was closely related to the evaluation of literature amidst strict censorship.

作品の構成(Structure of the work)


The first part of the story depicts the scene of the ship's return, followed by descriptions of the inside of the battleship, the results of the war, and a round-table discussion among the captains toward the end of the story.

3 The world's biggest book fairs (top 3)

1) Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany Annually, mid-October (18 - 22 October 2023)🇩🇪


Frankfurt Book Fairでは世界中から集まる作家、出版社、文学エージェントなどが一堂に会し、新しい作品の発表や文学に関するディスカッションが行われます。また、文学の新しいトレンドやアイデアが交換され、作家と読者が直接対話できる機会が提供されます。

The Frankfurt Book Fair brings together authors, publishers, and literary agents from around the world to present new works and discuss literature. New trends and ideas in literature are exchanged, and authors and readers have the opportunity to interact directly with each other.

2) London Book Fair, United Kingdom Annually, April (12–14 March 2024)🇬🇧

📸: https://instagram.com/cliffagogo?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

London Book Fairは出版業界にとって重要なビジネスの場でもあります。出版社は新しい契約を結び、書籍権を交渉し、国際市場における影響力を拡大する機会を見つけます。新しい才能の発見、最新のテクノロジーや出版トレンドの紹介、国際的な協力の場として機能し、業界プロフェッショナルにとって欠かせないイベントです。

The London Book Fair is an important business venue for the publishing industry. Publishers find opportunities to sign new contracts, negotiate book rights, and expand their influence in international markets. It is an essential event for industry professionals, serving as a forum for discovering new talent, showcasing the latest technology and publishing trends, and collaborating internationally.

3) Hong Kong Book Fair Annually, mid-July (17-23 July 2024)




1)Kanda Secondhand Book Festival.🇯🇵


A used book fair held annually in October in Tokyo's Kanda Jimbocho used book district, this festival has a history dating back to 1960, and in addition to discounted book sales, various events are held during the festival, including auctions, workshops, and talk live performances by celebrities.


During the "Used Book Festival," approximately one million used books line the sidewalks of Jimbocho's Omote-dori Avenue.

2)Vieillebles Book Market🇫🇷



Lille is a beautiful city in northern France.
One of the places you should definitely visit during your stay is the Vieillebles Book Market.
This city was originally under Spanish rule and the buildings were used as a stock exchange.




The Renaissance-style building has four wooden entrances leading to a courtyard, which attracts many visitors on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays when the book market is open.

The books are all second-hand, mostly in French, but there are books in other languages as well, including some in English and even some in Ch'ti, the local dialect.



The only outdoor book market in the south of England, it has been running since 1982 under the bridge.
Because of its favorable location in the shade along the touristy River Thames, there is a wide variety of delicious take-out restaurants nearby.


Hundreds of classics and contemporary literature are also available in paperback and hardback. Genres range from children's books to thrillers and other adult books, making for a weekend that spans generations.

Recommendations for you

#小説       #本       #おすすめ本       #本好き       #本紹介       #TAGA文学速報       #本好きな人と繋がりたい       #エッセイ       #コラム       #毎日note       #毎日更新       #note       #ブログ       #毎日投稿      
