

PBS NewsHour April 12, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:35]★今日のおすすめ★ 落ち着きつつあるインフレ 食料品とエネルギーを除いたコア・インフレは高止まり IFMのエコノミストGita Gopinathに聞く

[02:54] But core inflation [* core inflationの説明] , which does not include food and gas prices, remains high.

[06:49] It is safe to say, though, that the era of easy money is over, [* easy money = a monetary policy that makes money, credit, or both readily available to many borrowers and at relatively low interest rates (wiktionary) 金融緩和] at least for now. I mean, the average interest rate for a 30-year fixed [* mortgage ] is 7.2 percent.

[07:24] [* 高金利時代が今後ずっと続くのか。IMFの分析では… ] Now, the question is, is that, once we bring inflation down, are we going to be then in this environment of high interest rates? And, there, well, we -- our analysis shows that, if you start looking about four to five years out [* 4,5年先 ] , we do actually think you're going to return back to an environment of low interest rates of the kinds we saw pre-pandemic. Now, there's no certainty around it, but that would be our best estimate at this point.

[08:08] 今日のその他のニュースまとめ

[11:59] And Buckingham Palace announced Britain's Prince Harry will attend the coronation [* = 戴冠式, 即位式 ] of his father, King Charles, in May. His wife, Meghan, will stay home in California with the couple's children. Their participation had been the subject of speculation amid an ongoing public rift [* = 不和、不仲] among members of the royal family.

[12:47] 経口中絶薬mifepristoneを巡る法廷闘争が続く中 バイデン政権の対策をホワイトハウス・ジェンダー政策審議会のJennifer Klein会長に聞く

[13:50] [* 中絶が禁止されている州の女性が、合法の州で中絶を受けて戻った時に、起訴されないようにするためにバイデン政権が考えている規則変更の内容 ] And what that would do is protect sensitive health information under what's called HIPAA -- that's the federal law at issue -- so that while there are exceptions for law enforcement, there would not -- we would narrow that exception for law enforcement for illegal reproductive health care. So, for example, you have seen women traveling out of state from one state where abortion is banned to another state where it's legal. And the legal, lawful health care that she got in the state that she traveled to, her health information, the discussion she has with her doctors, the care that she receives in that state where the care is lawful would not be available to law enforcement if -- just when this rule is made final.

[16:51] What about misoprostol? I mean, that's the other drug in this two- drug protocol. [* 以前の番組に2つの医薬品について詳しく出てきました ] This ruling applies to mifepristone. Is there anything else you could be doing now to protect future access to misoprostol?

[17:52] The reason I ask is, it gets to a larger frustration I have heard from some advocates and even some progressive Democrats I speak to, this frustration the administration has moved slowly or not been as creative or aggressive as they'd like to see. Their argument is, the urgency of this moment requires the administration to meet that moment, that go ahead and get caught trying [* to get caught trying = しようとしていることがばれる、明るみに出る。(この文脈では)この差し迫った事態には、それに見合った対応が必要だ。とにかく動いて、それで何か問題が明るみに出たとしても、その時はその時だ ] , in other words.

[19:38]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン政権 環境保護庁(EPA)が新排ガス基準提案 10年で新車の2/3を電気自動車に 実現には課題も

[21:37] FRED KRUPP, President, Environmental Defense Fund: It's a dream come true for those of us who know we need to decarbonize [* = 脱炭素化する] our society and certainly our cars and trucks.

[23:21] [* 電気自動車化の課題1 ] One is about the batteries for these cars. The minerals currently needed for them, lithium, nickel, cobalt and others, are primarily produced in China, and some are mined in dangerous, inhumane conditions in parts of Africa.

[23:42] [* 電気自動車化の課題2 ]  JOHN BOZZELLA, President and CEO, Alliance for Automotive Innovation: When you talk to consumers, what you often hear is, how far will this go on a charge and where can I charge it? And so that raises two immediate questions. Do we have sufficient charging infrastructure? Are there high-speed chargers available on interstates between metropolitan areas, so that I can take a longer trip, as opposed to just moving three or four miles around my hometown?
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: There are roughly 53,000 charging stations currently in the U.S., compared to triple that number of gas stations. President Biden has pledged construction of 500,000 new charging stations nationwide by 2030 and set aside over $7 billion in the 2021 infrastructure law to pay for it.

[24:55] [* 電気自動車化の課題3 ] Another impediment is cost. The current average E.V. costs about $65,000. That's roughly $17,000 more than the average gas-powered car. Even with the federal tax credit of $7,500, which not all E.V.s qualify for, plus the longer-term savings of never having to buy gas, that initial sticker shock [* = astonishment and dismay experienced on being informed of a product's unexpectedly high price] has kept some buyers away.

[25:53] バイデン大統領 ベルファスト合意(聖金曜日合意)25周年の北アイルランドとアイルランド共和国訪問 リポートのあと合意が目指した平和は実現できたのか専門家に聞く

[31:24] You mentioned Brexit before. And, as we reported in the story, pro-U.K. Unionists are concerned that Brexit is eroding Northern Ireland's connection with the rest of the United Kingdom. Why haven't those concerns been assuaged, despite an agreement between the U.K. and the E.U., known as the Windsor Framework [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor_Framework] that was designed to address those very concerns?

[34:30] But I suppose, for Unionists in Northern Ireland, they are aware this [* = President Biden] is a man who wears his green heart on his sleeves. [* to wear one's heart on one's sleeve = (idiomatic) To be very transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotions. // 緑はアイルランドを連想させる色 https://emeraldislandcasino.com/2014/04/what-made-green-the-color-associated-with-ireland/ ] And, for the Irish side, that's certainly been a bit of a boost.

[34:56] パンデミック期は保健機関に大きな権限 その反動で保健機関の見直しが進む中、特に地方に大きな影響 コロラドからリポート

[43:59]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ起訴のあとアメリカ有権者の分断を煽る中国、ロシアからのSNS情報操作が急増 2人の専門家に聞く

[51:34] 全米録音資料登録簿 今年選ばれた25件

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News






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