

PBS News Weekend Aug. 6, 2023




■ セサミストリートで英語を楽しむ

大人の私も好きです ^^



■ 動画サイトへのリンク


[00:00] Introduction

[01:58] News Wrap

At least 6 killed as Russia, Ukraine trade attacks across the country. In our news wrap Sunday, Ukraine and Russia both launched attacks against each other as the war in Ukraine drags on, Donald Trump called Vice President Mike Pence “delusional” in regards to the 2020 election, the U.S. women’s national soccer team is out of the World Cup after losing to Sweden, and Olympic gymnast Simone Biles returned to competition after a two-year hiatus.

[05:02] Why New York City’s migrant housing crisis is reaching a breaking point

New York City has long been a city of immigrants, living up to the words on the Statue of Liberty in the city's harbor. Alone among major U.S. cities, New York has a legal obligation to offer shelter to everyone who wants it — but the current influx of migrants and asylum-seekers is putting that to the test. NPR correspondent Jasmine Garsd joins John Yang to discuss what’s happening.
(New York City、ニューヨーク、移民急増、移民流入、亡命申請、Statue of Liberty、自由の女神、NPR、Jasmine Garsd、 intake center、移民受け入れセンター、sanctuary city、 Eric Adams)

[06:10] Further complicating things, Republican governors like Greg Abbott of Texas have been sending thousands of migrants to New York City and other so-called sanctuary cities [* sanctuary city = In the United States and Canada, a city that allows undocumented immigrants to live and work without being arrested and deported by local authorities.(wiktionary) ] .

[09:54] Yes, absolutely. I mean, the Biden administration has had a policy of deterrence, saying, you know, do not just cross the border and expect to get asylum. If we catch you crossing the border without papers, you will be deported in an expedited way, and there will be a harsher punishment. And it's also encouraged people to use the CBP One app [* 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] , in other words, to apply for asylum online. I met so many migrants that their daily routine is basically wake up at 6 a.m. and try to get on that CBP One app so that they can do the asylum process.

[11:10] What to know about the U.S. women’s national team’s heartbreaking World Cup loss

Going into the 2023 World Cup, few would have predicted what happened to the U.S. women’s national soccer team. They made their earliest departure ever from the tournament after Sunday’s loss to Sweden on penalty kicks in the round of 16. USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan joins John Yang to discuss the biggest takeaways from the game.
(2023 World Cup、女子ワールドカップ・サッカー、FIFA女子ワールドカップ、サッカー、米国敗退、Sweden、penalty kick、PK戦、USA Today、Christine Brennan、女子スポーツ、監督解任へ、feeder system、Title IX、Title 9)

[13:25] And, um, it's stunning. When you think of the feeder system [* = farm system = In sports, a farm team, farm system, feeder team, feeder club, or nursery club is generally a team or club whose role is to provide experience and training for young players, with an agreement that any successful players can move on to a higher level at a given point, usually in an association with a major-level parent team. This system can be implemented in many ways, both formally and informally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farm_team ] in the United States and US soccer, where's the failure here? I think there should be a top-to-bottom look at what went wrong.

[16:33] But I think that off the field and we've talked about it that Johnny Appleseed sowing the seeds for the sport around the world fighting for girls and women all over the world, not just the United States, to have the opportunities that women have here because of Title nine [* Title IX is the most commonly used name for the federal civil rights law in the United States that was enacted as part (Title IX) of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_IX ; 連邦教育法第9編:連邦改正教育法(Education Amendments of 1972)第9編;連邦の補助金や助成を受ける教育機関での性差別を禁じている (ランダムハウス) ] .

[17:05] Hmong chef Yia Vang brings a taste of home to Minnesota’s Twin Cities

St. Paul, Minnesota, is home to the nation’s largest population of Hmong, an Indigenous people from Southeast Asia. After the Vietnam War, thousands of Hmong refugees ended up in the Upper Midwest and have called the area home for nearly 50 years, but their cooking hadn’t quite found a foothold in the local dining scene. As special correspondent Megan Thompson reports, one chef is changing that.
(Hmong、モン族、Vietnam War、ベトナム戦争、Megan Thompson、エスニック料理、民族料理)

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News




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