

PBS News Weekend April 22, 2023




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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:54] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ

[02:40] Interior Secretary Deb Haaland defended the Biden administration's approval of the Willow oil drilling project in Alaska [* 関連ニュース ]. Speaking before a group of environmental journalists in Idaho, Haaland rejected criticisms that President Biden broke a campaign pledge to end new drilling on federal lands.

[04:17]★今日のおすすめ★ インターネット上で拡散する妊娠中絶に関する間違った情報

[04:29] This latest chapter in the legal fight over abortion access comes as researchers are examining the vast amount of online misinformation and disinformation about abortion. [* misinformationとdisinformationの違い:  misinformation = Information that is incorrect 間違った情報。誤情報。 // disinformation = intentional misinformation; false information intentionally disseminated to deliberately confuse or mislead 意図的な誤情報 ]

[05:48] So the percentage staying the same actually indicated that the volume of misinformation skyrocketed following both the leak and the decision and then quickly fell within a few days , already making an impact and already causing harm most likely. [* 妊娠中絶関連の判決や判決前リークがあると、ネット上の中絶に関する誤情報が急増する。 ]

[07:16] And that's just an example of this cycle that we're in where mis- and disinformation online gets baked into our legal and policy decisions and then bolsters the mis- and disinformation online and the cycle continues.
[* インターネット上の間違った情報や意図的な誤情報が司法判決や政策に取り入れられて、それがさらにネット上の誤情報を補強し、その悪循環が続く。]
[* to bake into = incorporate something as an integral part]

[07:42] So, while we have found observationally that most disinformation, which is intentionally spread false and misleading content, comes from more conservative-leaning anti-abortion groups and individuals, misinformation is really spread across the ideological spectrum. [* (妊娠中絶に関する)意図的な誤情報の発信源は保守寄りの団体、個人が多いが、(意図的でない)誤った情報は全思想スペクトラム(保守からリベラルまで)から発信されている] So, some examples of claims that have been put across on social media by folks who are really on the side for abortion rights have been, for instance, claims around being able to use herbs or natural remedies to safely induce abortion, which is not scientifically evidenced.

[10:57]★今日のおすすめ★ メキシコ国境における亡命申請用アプリ( CBP One )の問題点

[11:17] Since March 2020, a public health policy called Title 42 [* Title 42 = Title 42 is a part of U.S. law that deals with public health, social welfare and civil rights. It gives the federal government the ability to take emergency action to keep communicable diseases out of the country. (NBC News) 実際には、パンデミックを理由に、移民の流入を防ぐ手段として使われているとされる] has allowed border agents to expel migrants, even those who are seeking asylum.

[12:18] Yeah. So, this app, it is called CBP One. It's actually been introduced already even while Title 42 is still in place. And the way it works is that, if you're an asylum seeker, you essentially can't ask for asylum if you cross the border illegally, which is the way that most people try. And so, instead, the government is saying, use this app, book an appointment. You can come to a legal port of entry and ask for asylum and we'll take you. The only issue is there are just way fewer appointments than there are people who want them.
[* アプリを使った新制度では、不法入国してから亡命申請することは出来ない。そのかわり、アプリを使って予約を取ってから通関手続地に行き、亡命申請をする。しかし、予約枠が少なくて、予約を取るのは非常に難しい。]

[17:15] 22日は「地球の日」 植物を絶滅から守る取り組みをリポート

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News






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