

PBS NewsHour Dec. 8, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction 

[02:30]★今日のおすすめ★ U.S. vetoes UN resolution for cease-fire as Israel ramps up airstrikes in Gaza 

The U.S. vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that called for a cease-fire in Gaza. The move came as the UN is ramping up already dire warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe if more aid isn't sent into Gaza soon. According to the Hamas-run health ministry, nearly 17,500 Palestinians have been killed and the Israeli air and ground campaign is not slowing down. Amna Nawaz reports.
《Yesterday, celebrated poet and Palestinian academic Refaat Alareer was killed in an airstrike at his home in Gaza City; 》

[07:19] News Wrap 

The latest jobs report shows U.S. employers added a net 199,000 employees in November, a federal appeals court largely upheld a gag order on former President Trump in his 2020 election interference case, a pregnant woman in Kentucky is challenging the state's near-total ban on abortions and Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that he will run for another term.
《11月の米雇用統計; アメリカ雇用統計; トランプに対するかん口令; 箝口令; The court did allow criticism of Jack Smith, the special counsel who brought the case; The long-running court case over separating migrant families at the border to deter immigration is finally ending. A federal judge in San Diego formally banned the practice today for eight years under a settlement involving migrant families. Some 5,000 children were separated from their parents under then-President Trump; In Michigan, a teenager was sentenced to life in prison without parole today for killing four students in a school shooting. The gunman was 15 when he carried out the attack at Oxford High School back in 2021; An American jailed in Russia, Paul Whelan, made an anguished appeal today for U.S. officials to win his release. The former U.S. Marine has been held for five years and is serving a 16-year sentence for espionage; Putin is now 71. Over the years, he has supported amendments to the Russian Constitution that could let him stay in power into his mid-80s; プーチン大統領選立候補; People suffering from sickle cell disease may have new hope. The FDA today approved two gene therapies for the painful inherited blood disorder. Most sickle cell victims are Black, and the U.S. has an estimated 100,000 cases; 鎌状赤血球病の遺伝子治療、FDAが承認; 鎌状赤血球貧血; the countdown to reopening France's famed Notre Dame Cathedral one year from now has begun. The roof and spire were badly damaged by a fire back in 2019; ノートルダム寺院; actor Ryan O'Neal (82) has died; 》

[08:37] AMBER DUKE, Executive Director, ACLU of Kentucky: Jane Doe has courageously stepped forward as a directly impacted pregnant Kentuckian to challenge these abortion bans and try to restore abortion access in the commonwealth.

[** commonwealth = Used to refer to some US states, namely, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia (thefreedictionary). ]

[11:20] People suffering from sickle cell disease may have new hope. The FDA today approved two gene therapies for the painful inherited blood disorder. Most sickle cell victims are Black, and the U.S. has an estimated 100,000 cases. The gene therapies are designed for those 12 and over with severe forms of the disease.

[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickle_cell_disease ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります )
鎌状赤血球症 ]

[13:01] Saudi foreign minister discusses Israel-Hamas war and wider challenges in Middle East 

Foreign ministers from several Arab allies of the United States are in Washington this week for meetings with the Biden administration over the Israel-Hamas war. Nick Schifrin sat down with the foreign minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, for a candid conversation about the way forward from the violence and Saudi Arabia's role in the region.
《Look, we have made two things clear, that we cannot talk about the day after in Gaza without talking about Palestine as a whole. That is a unified position of the Arab world. And we have also said that we cannot talk about the day after without an end to the fighting, because we don't know, what does the day after mean? What does the day after look like? What does Gaza look like?; 》

[18:39] PRINCE FAISAL BIN FARHAN AL SAUD: We are convinced that the only solution is peace. And this is the strategic choice we have made in Saudi Arabia and all of the Arabs have made, and from 1982, when Saudi Arabia proposed the face [* ??] initiative to the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and beyond.

[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Peace_Initiative ]

[19:53] NICK SCHIFRIN: Does the kingdom, does the crown prince consider the possibility there could be a kind of Sadat moment of going to Israel to make the kind of peace that you're talking about?

[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_visit_by_Anwar_Sadat_to_Israel ]

[22:00]★今日のおすすめ★ The troubled safety record of the Osprey aircraft fleet grounded by the U.S. military 

The U.S. military will ground its entire fleet of V-22 Osprey aircraft while it investigates the cause of last week’s crash off the coast of Japan that killed all eight service personnel on board. The extraordinary step was taken after a preliminary investigation found something wrong with the aircraft itself led to the crash and not errors by the crew onboard. Geoff Bennett reports.
《All told, there are about 400 Ospreys in the U.S. military, and there have been 10 fatal crashes, killing 57 people, over the past 23 years; 》

[22:27] The crash last week was just the latest for the Osprey with a near-quarter-century-long checkered and deadly record.

[** checkered = marked by many problems or failures (wiktionary)]

[23:58] GEOFF BENNETT: Brian Alexander is a former army helicopter pilot. He's now a lawyer who has represented family members with loved ones killed in Osprey accidents. He says, unlike other aircraft, the Osprey is much harder to land safely when there's a major failure. And it can't autorotate well like normal helicopters when the pilot uses the lift provided by the spinning propeller to land.

[** to autorotate < autorotation = Autorotation is a state of flight in which the main rotor system of a helicopter or other rotary-wing aircraft turns by the action of air moving up through the rotor, as with an autogyro, rather than engine power driving the rotor... It is analogous to the gliding flight of a fixed-wing aircraft... The most common use of autorotation in helicopters is to safely land the aircraft in the event of an engine failure or tail-rotor failure...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorotation ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります )
オートローテーション ]

[* lift = 揚力 ]

[26:52] Racial disparity in addiction treatment access highlights inequities of opioid epidemic 

The CDC says synthetic opioids, particularly fentanyl, contributed to about 75,000 overdose deaths in the United States in 2022. It's a crisis that hits every demographic group, but there are large racial disparities between who is offered the most effective treatment and who isn't. William Brangham reports for our ongoing series, America Addicted and Race Matters.
《Chapman prescribes all of his roughly 200 patients a drug called buprenorphine. Combined with another drug, it is known as Suboxone, and it helps people withdraw from opioids, and reduces their cravings. It is one of three federally approved medications to treat opioid use disorders; Hargrove was saved by paramedics who used the overdose reversal drug Narcan; Across the U.S., overdose deaths among Black people are rising faster than any other ethnic group, but they are far less likely to be prescribed these medications that are proven to treat opioid addiction. A recent study shows that white patients receive those medications up to 80 percent more frequently than Black patients; There's still this thought that Black people who have a opiate use disorder have to be controlled in a way that white people don't, that Black people are not as trustworthy with their medications, that they won't be able to handle it, that they will sell it. And what we have seen is, that's not the case at all; Only 5 percent of all physicians in the U.S. are African American, and Black patients are less likely to have access to doctors who are authorized to prescribe buprenorphine; Studies have found that white people are 35 times more likely to receive buprenorphine than Blacks; The medication itself was introduced and legalized as a doctor's-office-based treatment for opioid use disorder as a response to a suburban -- a quote, unquote -- "suburban, perceived as white, opioid crisis in the late 1990s to early 2000s. So this was rolled out as a treatment for a very specific clientele; this results in Black and brown patients often being left with only one medication treatment option, methadone, a medication that works, but comes with many more strictures;  》

[35:40] A look at the latest federal charges filed against Hunter Biden 

Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine tax-related charges, including three felony counts. According to federal prosecutors, the president’s 53-year-old son engaged in a scheme to not pay $1.4 million in taxes that he owed from 2016 through 2019. Prosecutors allege that he instead spent hundreds of thousands on drugs, escorts and exotic cars. Geoff Bennett discussed the case with Ryan Lucas.
《David Weiss, special counsel; this case was on the verge of being resolved back in July, when that plea deal fell apart. And what would have been two misdemeanors are now, what, six misdemeanors and three felony counts; this is all material that the special counsel has had for five years, five years that he has been investigating Hunter Biden. There's no new evidence, and yet now we have nine new tax charges; Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell; "If Hunter's last name was anything other than Biden, the charges in Delaware and now California would not have been brought"; the Justice Department says that he faces up to 17 years in prison if convicted on all these counts; 》

[36:13] So, Ryan, the charges are spelled out in a 56-page court document. It's a speaking indictment, in that it is extraordinarily detailed. What is the special counsel in this case, David Weiss, what is he alleging?

[** speaking = eloquent; highly expressive ]

[36:36] He says that Hunter Biden, in essence, cheated his own kind of payroll company and its payroll and tax withholding process in order to not pay these taxes.

[** payroll company = payroll service provider = A payroll service provider is a company that either assists with or assumes all aspects of payroll on behalf of another business. This arrangement is often beneficial for employers who value their time and want to ensure that their employees and taxes are paid accurately and on schedule...
https://www.adp.com/resources/articles-and-insights/articles/w/what-is-a-payroll-service-provider.aspx ]

[40:13]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Capehart on political impact of the latest charges against Hunter Biden 

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Geoff Bennett to discuss the week in politics, including the latest charges and accusations against Hunter Biden, President Biden's push for more aid to Ukraine and Trump's comments about being a dictator.

[46:06] Nonetheless, I differ with Jonathan a bit, in that I do think the Republicans have thrown a bunch of different ideas on the table for what they want on the Southern border, adjusting the asylum rules, E-Verify, all sorts of proposals.

[**  E-Verify is a United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees, both U.S. and foreign citizens, to work in the United States...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Verify ]

[46:46] The Republicans had another debate this past week. And the knives were out, Jonathan, for Nikki Haley. It's a clear sign of her rise in the race.

[** the knives are out (for someone) = there is open hostility (towards someone) ]

[49:06] The front page of The New York Times two or three weeks ago just detailing the immigration policy that they want to institute on day one, the Project 2025, which basically wants to set up a turnkey operation for any conservative president to come along and do all sorts of things to remake not just American government, but American democracy.

[** Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 United States presidential
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 ]

[** turnkey = Ready to use without further assembly or test (wiktionary)
 鍵を回すだけで作動する(他は全部準備が整っている) ]

[50:55] U.S. service members perform 'Ocho Kandelikas' for Hanukkah 
米軍兵士によるハヌカーを祝う歌『Ocho Kandelikas』

Each year, the NewsHour asks the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service at the Pentagon to produce holiday songs with service members singing. On this second night of Hanukkah, we present "Ocho Kandelikas" by the composer and singer Flory Jagoda.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News


