

PBS NewsHour May 25, 2023

このnoteの目的は、アメリカのニュース番組が理解出来るようになる方法を伝えることです。その方法とは、英語字幕を読みながら英語ニュースを毎日見続けること。 こんな感じです(サンプルのスクリーンショット)




また、このnoteや字幕ファイルでは、辞書を調べても分からないような英語表現を説明しています(辞書を引けば分かる言葉は、自分で調べてください)。辞書に載ってないような表現、辞書にあっても意味がたくさんありすぎてどれなのか分からない言葉、文脈の中で特殊な使われ方をしている言葉、背景の知識がないと分からない部分、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現、知っていると訳に立ちそうな表現などを説明しています(書き加えた説明は[* ……] )。


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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[00:09] On the "NewsHour" tonight: Migrants at the Southern border find themselves stuck in limbo [** = in an uncertain or undecided state or condition ] amid a shift in U.S. immigration policies.

[02:42] 新しい亡命申請方法が始まったメキシコ国境 テキサス州Brownsvilleからリポート

[04:08] They know now that the message the U.S. officials have been trying to get across for months now saying the border is not open, saying that if you try to enter without permission, you could be banned from entry, saying you can't enter without an appointment with a U.S. border official [** CBP Oneというスマホアプリを使った新制度のこと。以前の番組に説明があります ] , they have heard that message loud and clear.

[06:07] We spoke to one woman named Duglias (ph) [** = phonetically スペリングが分からない時に、音をそのまま文字にしたことを表す ] from Venezuela.

[08:06]★今日のおすすめ★ デフォルトは回避できるか 債務上限引き上げを巡る交渉 リポートのあと記者に聞く

[13:12] In addition, let's talk about programs for the elderly, Meals on Wheels [** = a service that delivers food to those unable to cook for themselves, such as the elderly and people with disabilities (wiktionary) 高齢者や障がい者のための食事宅配サービス ] .

[14:58] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[17:40]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン大統領 Charles Q. Brown Jr(CQ Brown)空軍大将を統合参謀本部議長に指名 リポートのあとVincent Brooks(元陸軍大将、退役)に聞く

[22:09] The United States is a global leader. It's globally engaged, and countries around the world turn to the United States for examples of professionalism, as well as skill in the military art [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_art_(military_science) ] .

[23:38] But contrary to sometimes what Hollywood shows, generals are not all cut from the same cloth [** = very similar; possessing many of the same fundamental characteristics (wiktionary)] . So every general is a different individual, every admiral as well, and they bring their personality.

[24:17] STEPHANIE SY: Do you think, if he becomes chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he continues to represent the Black experience vocally in the way that we saw him doing that poignant [* = emotionally moving; piercing, incisive ] video after the death of George Floyd? Does he continue to address systemic racism [** = 制度的人種差別、構造的人種差別 ] in the military?

[26:02] 警察によるジョージ・フロイド(George Floyd)の暴行死から3年 ミネアポリス市警察の新署長Brian O'Haraへのインタビュー

[26:35] O'Hara came from Newark, New Jersey, where he led efforts to bring that city's police department in line with the federal consent decree [** = a settlement of a lawsuit or criminal case in which a person or company agrees to take specific actions without admitting fault or guilt for the situation that led to the lawsuit. 同意判決 ] .

[28:24] And I'm OK [** = 私はそれでも構わない ] if it takes us some time to figure that out. I'm OK if we have to engage community, take a little bit more time to make sure that we are getting things right,

[32:23] The actual process remains under investigation, because how could the, if you will, sort of the rubric [* = an established rule or custom; a guideline. 確立した慣習、手続き ] for conducting these -- hiring and all the different layers of review that there is in the process, how can something like this not be flagged [** to flag = to signal or warn with or as if with a flag ] ?

[33:56] ニューヨーク州刑務所に蔓延する虐待体質 The Marshall ProjectのAlysia Santoに聞く

[37:48] So, in New York state, the corrections officers are a part of a very strong union. And this union contract that the state has agreed to has many protections in place. And one of those protections in particular that we have focused on is the arbitration process, which is, an arbitrator gets to decide whether an officer loses their job or not. It's not actually up to the prison agency. And we found that arbitrators in abuse cases, they ruled with [** to rule with = (この文脈では)…に有利になるように裁定する。…側の言い分に沿って裁定する ] the officer three-quarters of the time, that the state was attempting to fire someone for abuse or for covering up abuse.

[39:53] 連邦最高裁 またも環境保護庁(EPA)の権限を縮小 今回は水質汚染防止権限 The New York Times紙のCoral Davenport記者に聞く

[45:17]★今日のおすすめ★ Elon Musk主導で右傾化するTwitter The Washington Post紙のPhilip Bump記者に聞く

[51:48] 作家でミュージシャンのMichelle Zauner

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News






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