





『レボリューショナリー・ロード/燃え尽きるまで』(原題:Revolutionary Road)は、2008年のイギリス・アメリカ合衆国のドラマ映画で、そんなジレンマと人間の心の動きを見事に描き出した作品だ。











===We all live our lives deceiving ourselves===

When you are about to take a new and different step, your heart trembles with anticipation and your eyes sparkle with hope. Your heart beats faster at the thought of finally breaking out of the birdcage.

But at the same time, there is the fear of the unknown. And how many of us live our lives deceiving ourselves in order to distract ourselves from our fears and anxieties.

They think, "I can't quit my job because of my family," "I can't do the job I love because of the responsibility of raising my children," or "I have low self-esteem because I grew up with such parents. Any number of reasons can be given later.

The real question is "To do or not to do.

Revolutionary Road" is a 2008 British-American drama film that beautifully depicts such dilemmas and the human heart.

It stars Leonardo DiCaprio (Frank) and Kate Winslet (April). The time period is 1950s America, and even though both of them were the embodiment of the golden age of postwar America, they both feel somewhat stagnant deep down inside. One day, April thought that a life in Paris, which Frank had longed for when they were first married, would make Frank's life meaningful. She decided to move to Paris to pursue the purpose in life that she had once given up on, and to find her purpose in life there.

Frank agreed with April's plan, and both agreed on this point. However, April soon became pregnant, and the plan was scrapped. For April, who wanted to start her life over with Frank, the fact that things did not go according to plan meant the end of their lives.

What is interesting here is the reaction of her friends and colleagues. When the two of them mention their plan to move to Paris, leaving their boring lives in the suburbs behind, there is a swirl of blackened emotions mixed with envy and jealousy.

They cannot allow the two of them to freely fly out into the world while they themselves are buried in a life of mediocrity with no future. These hidden feelings are depicted in the film, and even the people themselves are perplexed by them. But they are unaware of these feelings. They are living their lives deceiving themselves.

They know that staying in the status quo is not optimal, but their feet are frozen in anxiety and they feel hopeless, unable to move forward.

The film reminds me of the words of an American physicist named Richard Feynman.

The important thing is not to deceive yourself. Nothing is easier than to deceive yourself.

So let's ask ourselves again.

So let us ask ourselves once again, "Am I deceiving myself?



