〔英訳〕恋愛レボリューション 21; “Love Revolution 21” by Morning Musumé.
To begin with, let us define the conjunction operator $${“\bullet”}$$ that combines two strings.
Note that the commutative property of multiplication does not hold true in this case, and its definition is as follows:
a \bullet b &=& ab \\
a \bullet b &\neq& b \bullet a \\
a \bullet a &=& a^2
Then, we will define some constants and constant strings below:
\hspace{0.5 em} \varepsilon &=& \text{(empty string)} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} \beta &=& \text{baby} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} \lambda &=& \text{Love Revolution} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} \mu &=& \text{tell me} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} \sigma &=& \text{super} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} \tau &=& \text{feelin’good} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} y &=& \text{yeah} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} \varphi &=& \text{Woo}
\hspace{0.5 em} w_1 &=& \text{We fall for someone as well} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} w_2 &=& \text{We work for somewhere as well} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} w_3 &=& \text{We’ve got crying} \\
\hspace{0.5 em} w_4 &=& \text{We’ve got hungry}
N = 21
When $${\hspace{1 em} \alpha = \varphi \lambda, \hspace{0.5 em} \alpha ^2}$$
Toasting to you, $${\beta !}$$
Paper cups $${y !}$$ will work
Oh yes, it’s feeling that counts
As for ornaments, $${\beta !}$$
what we’ve got will work, $${y !}$$ in the night
Oh yes, it’s up to your idea
Beloved, $${\mu ^2}$$
Is it true that, $${\beta ^2}$$
anybody has a time when they feel lonely?
1^ \text{o}.
& \begin{cases}
s_0 &=& \varepsilon \\
s_{n+1} &=& s_n \bullet\sigma \\
\end{cases} \\
2^ \text{o}. & t_n = s_{n+2} \bullet \tau \\
3^ \text{o}. & u_n = t_n \bullet t_{n+1} \\
4^ \text{o}.
& \begin{cases}
v_0 &=& u_1 \\
v_{n+1} &=& {v_n}^2
$${v_1 α}$$
When $${\hspace{1 em} f(x) = x \bullet \varphi \beta ,}$$
$${f(w_1) \bullet f(w_2)}$$
We shape history on the Earth
$${f(w_3) \bullet f(w_4) \bullet \lambda N}$$