溢れる滝(たき)神酒賛歌 dithyramb the overflowing cataract

amidst the tiny water-beads of foamy red cataract's downpour
drunken on the flesh of all suffering immortals, and solved it after much pondering
their untold secret shame, withheld treasure trove of debasement and regrettable debauchery
thus uprooted from my immortal strife, I have slain the root of troubles,
it binds me not, now, and towards blue carefree ocean I roam, spreading my wings

"O, Io. Son of Man. Fly to the seas too blue for forming of a firm island,
And add ever thy stolen drops of bad medicinal liquer to our deep blue sorrow
till it's brimming up and telling you away and consume thee also."
