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*Please read this article with the understanding that it is "my case" and "my personal opinion".

On the road to returning to work

The cause of my depression was anxiety about the future. In particular, it was a lack of confidence in taking on a new job.

When I became depressed, people around me said, "You are in no condition to work right now," but I, on the contrary, kept saying, "If only I could work, my depression would go away.

Just before I was hospitalized for depression, I rushed to get a new job. I managed to start a new job, but after one day I felt my mental state was at its limit, and on the morning of the second day I called the company and said, "I'm sorry, I can't work because I'm depressed," and quit my job.

After that, I began to think about suicide and was hospitalized, which took more than a year. During that time, my thoughts changed, "It is difficult to commit suicide. I have to live," my thoughts changed, but at the same time I was worried and impatient, wondering if I would ever be able to work again.

In late 2020, after my depression had subsided, I began looking for a new job in earnest; I was able to start working at my new place of employment in November.

At that time, I sometimes became lethargic or impatient and took steps on the spot, but thanks to the kindness of my colleagues, I gradually got used to my new job.

After a while, I realized that the date on the document at the time was wrong (off by a year). Perhaps my mind was a bit fuzzy and I didn't notice.

I guess the HR department noticed those mistakes of mine. I failed in many interviews. My self-esteem was also low, so I don't think I was able to make an appeal that would have gone over well with the HR person.

What I want you to know here is that if you rush to find a job, you are likely to fail.

Do you want to become a full-time employee, or do you want to start out as a part-time employee and gradually work your way up? There are many options depending on your age and living situation. In any case, you should not be in a hurry.

If you rush to find a job, it would not be good if the company is not a good fit for you and you become depressed again. To avoid a vicious cycle, don't panic and get treatment first. After you regain your confidence and motivation, you can take your time to look for a job.

In fact, during the time I was looking for a job, my hospitalization and long blank period due to depression became a weak point for me.

I left my previous company after 10 months and now work for another. When I changed jobs, the recruitment agent I spoke to told me not to tell anyone about my depression. He said this was because there was a high possibility that my depression would be detrimental to my job change.

The company wants to hire people who will work for them for a long time, so naturally they want to choose people who are as healthy as possible.

To be honest, I have learned to take better care of my health after experiencing depression. I have more confidence and a more logical way of thinking about things now that I am cured of my depression. It took some time. I can even say that my mind and body are healthier than before the illness.

Of course, this may not be the case for everyone. At first I also was anxious about working.

I was not confident, so I looked for a job with a very low desired income. As a result, I was able to make a choice that valued work-life balance, and I think that approach was the right way for me.

I have something to say to any HR person reading this.

People who have survived depression are more thoughtful about their condition than those who have not experienced it, in order to avoid getting sick again. They are more understanding and know how to help others suffering from similar illnesses.

There is a possibility that my depression will return. But please do not judge me by saying, "This person is mentally weak because he/she has suffered from depression, and must suffer from depression again." Rather, I believe that once a person has experienced the pain of depression, that person will be careful not to become ill again.

If I were in charge of human resources, I would ask the person to tell me what has changed after experiencing depression, and then make a hiring decision.

To be continued in the next article.

(Translator : Masanori Ando
