
















国民年金保険料の支払い…無職の場合は免除(部分免除もある)・減額・猶予といった制度があり、申請をして承認されると適用となります。 やはりここでも前年の所得が関係してきます。たとえば前年の収入がゼロで1人暮らしなら免除ですが、他に収入がある人と住んでたりすると状況が変わります。また、病気で働けないという理由は関係ないそうで、生活保護(生活扶助)に承認されたり、障害等級2級以上を取得した場合は法定免除が適用されるそうです。










《If you want to help someone suffering from depression(5)About the various systems. I want you to support them in the procedures.

I want you to support them in the procedures.

When I became depressed and had to move to my parents' house, I had to go through a lot of procedures. For example, I had to go to the local government office to register my new address, change my Internet subscription, change my address, and so on. I also had to go through many other procedures.

I had a really hard time because I could not think straight at that time.

The government office explained everything to me in detail, but since I was not thinking straight, I found it all very difficult. It was a hassle to even go to the government office in the first place.

These procedures are a big barrier for people with depression. I think it would be very helpful for that person if he/she could get support for the procedures.

In my case, my mother supported me a lot. However, my mother is not very good with the Internet, so I did the procedures related to the Internet. I still couldn't understand it, and when I called again and again to ask questions to the counter, I was treated as a complainer, and for some reason, the fee was reduced.

Depression or not, you are obligated to pay.

Could you help ease the financial burden if possible?

When I was depressed I was afraid to spend money because I couldn't work and didn't have confidence in my ability to survive. I lost my job and I knew I would never be able to work again.

I still had to pay medical bills, taxes, and insurance premiums. I paid them every month, but it was a huge psychological burden. Even though I had some savings. I thought, "I am going to die", but I have to pay taxes.

It made me want to die even more. I still wonder if there is anything that can be done about the government's system for these people.

The following is what I heard from various organizations.

■Inhabitant tax

You must pay according to the amount of your income from the previous year. You are not exempt even if you are sick or out of work. If you apply for and are approved for public assistance, you will be exempted.

■National Health Insurance

Not exempt. Even if you have no income, you are obliged to pay as long as you are enrolled. For example, currently, those between the ages of 40 and 64 are obliged to pay 69,000 yen per year even if they have no income.

Exceptionally, there is a reduced system if you retire or are laid off due to company reasons, as I was. This reduces the premium to 30% only for those who are under 64 years old. This does not apply when you retire for your own reasons, and it does not apply when you are laid off unless you apply for it yourself.

I applied for it after I recovered from my illness, and the premiums were refunded later.

■National Pension

If you are unemployed, there is a system of exemptions and reductions. If you apply and are approved, you will be applied. It is related to your income from the previous year. For example, if you have no income and live alone, you are exempt, but if you live with someone else who has an income, you are not exempt.

Also, if you are unable to work due to illness, you will not be exempted. You must apply for public assistance and receive certification.

Otherwise, you are obliged to pay and must pay 16590 yen per month.The national pension for the exempted period can be paid retroactively within 10 years.

Using Medical Care for Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities

If you have a mental illness including depression, there is a medical care system for services and supports for persons with disabilities, and if you apply for this system, medical fees such as consultation fees and medicine costs will be reduced to 10%. There is an upper limit depending on your income.

I was greatly helped by this system. I think you should apply for it if it applies to you.

The application is not at the city office, but at the public health center. It may seem tedious to prepare the documents because I can't think straight, but it is better to use the available systems proactively.

In the case of Tokyo Metropolitan Government

If you lose your job or decide to go to a psychiatric hospital or be hospitalized, the first step is to contact the municipal office, government agencies, or public health center to reduce your financial burden as much as possible, which will help reduce your psychological burden. All of this depends on the individual's situation, so it is necessary to tell them exactly what your situation is.

Next I will write about my depression and the ideas I have arrived at.

(Translator : Masanori Ando

