
















《To all who suffer from depression(2)About my father's suicide. Don't be ruled by genetic trauma.》

*I hope you will read this article keeping in mind that it is only "my case" and "my personal opinion".

About my father's suicide

My father committed suicide due to manic depression when he was 50 years old.

I was a student living alone at the time. Therefore, I was surprised to receive the sudden news. My father was always smiling and kind.

When I received the call and rushed to the hospital, my father was already in a coma.

I was confused and my memory of that time is fuzzy, but after a short time in the hospital, the doctors and my family decided to end the coma. The whole family gathered around my father's bed and watched that moment.

I still remember that moment, the feeling of every cell in my body slowly breaking down, and I am sure I will never forget it.

My father's death had a huge impact on me, and for the next five years I said "Father, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything, I love you" in my mind every day before I went to bed. (I also said sorry and good night to my old dog, "Jiro.")

When someone commits suicide, the family members left behind will regret why they did nothing to help. That is why you should not commit suicide.

However, since I was in junior high school, I have somehow had the feeling that I wanted to die. I cannot remember why.

Maybe it is because I am an adolescent. On the other hand, however, I have heard that depression is hereditary. In fact, the doctor who examined me this time always asks about my family at the beginning. I told him about my father's illness and asked about the possibility of inheritance.

When I was in my late twenties, I was involved in a job that went wrong and I had to go to a psychiatric clinic because I was working too many jobs. It was my first experience.

At that time, I did not suffer from depression as severe as this time (I never really thought about dying), and I was able to recover by quitting my job and taking a break.

In my mind, I said to myself, "I should not commit suicide. But I have a genetic inheritance from my father. I always had the feeling that "I am mentally weak, so there is a high possibility that I will become depressed someday.

Don't be ruled by genetic trauma.

Now I think, "That is just a trauma, not the truth.

My two older brothers were also shocked and distressed by my father's suicide, but they are not depressed.

I think it is the same as when people say that "Type A people are often serious", so people think that "Type A people must be serious".

My father died on May 8.

I have gotten over it recently, but I used to feel depressed every year whenever May came. I think many people become mentally unstable in spring because of the change of environment.

My brother intentionally made the day my father died their wedding anniversary. It is a very important day for us.

When I first started writing articles for the Internet, I wrote this article about my father. I wrote this in tears. Please read it.


Continue to the next article.

(Translator : Masanori Ando
