
幸せ太りは食べ過ぎだけが原因ではなかった!?-Overeating is not the only cause of happiness! ?-


I think it's not uncommon for a partner's physical appearance to change as soon as they get married. Single men in particular are more likely to gain ``happy weight'' once they get married. In fact, this was not simply caused by overeating. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``Trivia about the ecology of men and women'' on this subject.


”A study by Dr. Alan Maser of Syracuse University in the United States found that married men have 35% lower testosterone levels than single men. Testosterone is a male hormone, and when its secretion decreases, muscle mass decreases, and calorie consumption also decreases. Happy people also tend to have less levels of the hormone norepinephrine.”


”This hormone is secreted in large amounts when you are excited or nervous, and the higher the amount, the easier it is to burn fat. When you have less stress and are happy, the amount of norepinephrine secreted decreases, making it easier for your body to gain weight. In fact, when the University of North Carolina in the United States surveyed about 7,000 married & couples, it was found that couples who had been living together for more than two years were twice as likely to be obese than single people.”


What did you all think? It seems that overeating is not the only cause of weight gain. However, if you eat too much, it can cause metabolic syndrome and illness. Take care of your health. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.


参考文献 『男と女の生態雑学』





