
「京都を、着よう」 ENJOY KYOTO×京都外国語大学のフリーペーパー Issue 3



そこで、そんなあなたの憧れを叶えるために、地元・京都で観光学を学ぶ京都外国語大学グローバル観光学科の学生によって結成された観光メディアALKOTTOが、4つのテーマでコーディネートプランを提案。ツーリストの皆さんに向けて、気軽に京都ファッションデビューをするための秘策をお届けします。着物スタイルを取り入れたモダンなジャケットから京都の伝統工芸をアップデートしたアイテム、Made in Kyotoにこだわったブランドまで、本格的な和装は手が届かないという人にも気軽に楽しめるニュースタイル京都ファッションをご紹介していきます。


Stroll the city in clothes that make you shine

Walking around a great city in great clothes. Is there anything more fun? Just strolling the streets in a foreign country you’re visiting for the first time is in itself a special experience that makes you feel like a different person, so what if you tried some of the local styles too? Wearing fashion inspired by the culture of Kyoto will make you feel like a real “Kyotoite” and your time in this town all the more amazing.

We at Alkotto, a tourism media initiative by students of tourism at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, are here to make this happen. We’ve put together four types of outfits with tips designed to help visitors to this city make their Kyoto fashion debut. From modern kimono-style jackets to contemporary items that incorporate traditional crafts, and “Made in Kyoto” brands, we bring you the latest in new-style Kyoto fashion so you can enjoy it without going full kimono.

Fashion is a culture that reflects the trends of the era and the lifestyle of the people of a country, as well as a form of original self-expression. That’s why you should hit the town of Kyoto in fashions that fuse traditional Japanese and modern western styles. Your memories will be a shining souvenir of your trip to cherish when you’re back home, and you’ll have the perfect outfit to make a statement in your own town too.



