

PBS News Weekend Nov. 12, 2023




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[00:00] Introduction

[02:02]★今日のおすすめ★ Israel continues airstrikes, ground war in Gaza as hostage negotiations stall

With conditions in Gaza getting worse, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said any cease-fire agreement must include the release of all Israeli hostages Hamas is holding. Hospitals across Gaza are on the brink of collapse, while Israel’s military pressed its ground operations in the north and continued deadly bombardment in the south. Leila Molana-Allen reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い37日目; 》

[05:11] News Wrap

House Speaker Johnson is facing opposition from hard-line Republicans after announcing his plan to avert a government shutdown, the Pentagon says five Army Special Operations forces died in a helicopter crash over the Mediterranean, Russia is ramping up attacks in two eastern Ukrainian cities, and Megan Rapinoe’s final soccer game had a bittersweet end.

[07:15] How a political battle is threatening a federal program that fights HIV

The federally funded President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief provides HIV prevention, treatment and education around the world. The program has seen broad bipartisan support on Capitol Hill for years, but now, a battle led by a small group of House Republicans is putting its future at risk. John Yang speaks with Jennifer Kates, director of global health and HIV policy at KFF, to learn more.
《PEPFAR(世界中でHIVの治療や啓蒙を行うプログラム)の存続が一部の共和党下院議員の反対で不透明に; PEPFAR = President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; 反対理由は妊娠中絶関連; Mexico City protocol; Mexico City policy; エイズ 》

[11:46] And specifically, he's complaining about the Biden administration's repeal of what's called the Mexico City protocol, not to use any funds to any group that provides abortion.
>> When it's in place, and it's always been put in place by Republican presidents through an executive action and then it's been rescinded or removed by Democratic presidents through executive action, is a policy that says when the U.S. is providing foreign aid to other organizations, to foreign NGOs, non-governmental organizations, it cannot provide any of that funding to organizations that use their own money or any other money, non-U.S. money, for abortion-related activities that are prohibited, that even are legal in their country, that may be prohibited under U.S. law. So basically saying we're not going to give you money for abortion because we can't fund abortion, but we won't give you money if you do anything else related to abortion.

[* Mexico City protocol とは何かを説明している部分
Mexico City protocol = Mexico City policy = 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico_City_policy ]

[13:58]★今日のおすすめ★ Historically low water levels on the Mississippi River cause shipping woes

The Mississippi River is a superhighway for American agricultural products, but a warm fall and extreme drought conditions have contributed to its water levels dropping to record lows. Special correspondent Megan Thompson reports from Missouri on what conditions along this vital commercial route mean for farmers who rely on it to get their crops to market.

《歴史的な低水位のミシシッピ川、穀物輸出に大きな影響; 》

[22:03] The story of John Herrington, the 1st Native American in space

For Native American Heritage Month, as part of our “Hidden Histories” series, we bring you the story of John Herrington, a decorated naval officer and trailblazing astronaut.
《11月はネイティブアメリカン文化遺産月間; 歴史に埋もれた貢献者; ネイティブアメリカン初の宇宙飛行士ジョン・へリントン; John Herrington; 》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News




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