

PBS News Weekend June 17, 2023





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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:51] 今日の主要ニュース

[04:31]★今日のおすすめ★ 過激なヘイト・反政府組織 表の顔に変化/Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC、南部貧困法律センター)のSusan Corkeに聞く

[06:30] What they want is a public education that prioritizes white, cisgender [* = having a gender identity which matches the sex one was assigned at birth; or, pertaining to such people (wiktionary) // cis- = on the same side as. https://www.transhub.org.au/101/cis ] children and otherizes [* to otherize = to make or regard (a person, social group, etc.) as alien or different (wiktionary)] children of color and different gender identities.

[06:49] [*  問題のヘイト組織の起源 ] So, following the 1954 landmark and unanimous U.S. Supreme Court Brown Versus Board of Education decision [* = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_v._Board_of_Education
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ブラウン対教育委員会裁判 ] , which outlawed, of course, segregation in public schools -- that was when the real backlash arose, the birthing of this parental rights movement. The groups that arosed comprised mostly middle to upper middle class white Southerners that were seeking to preserve their segregationist way of life.

[07:18] [*  問題のヘイト組織が近年増加した背景] What we're experiencing right now is this new wave of so-called parents rights advocates that really gained energy during the pandemic, rallying together around COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates in schools. And then, they continued on going after critical race theory [* = 以前の番組に出てきました ] , going after LGBTQ, trans persons.

[08:09] [*  問題のヘイト組織の表の顔や戦術が変化した背景] What we have seen is a change in the composition of the hard right since -- before Trump was in office, but particularly when he was in office. These hard-right groups really had access to mainstream politics. They had direct access to the White House. So, they really gained influence. In the wake of the insurrection [* the insurrection = 2021年1月6日の連邦議会襲撃事件 ] , they had to change tactics. And so, they started moving to take the mainstreaming and the political influence that they were able to gain within the Republican Party. And they took it to the local level and they have defined school boards and public education as one of their new battlefields.

[09:59] 銃暴力を経験した児童 メンタルヘルスケアが重要/Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicagoの小児救急医Jennifer Hoffmannに聞く

[16:56]★今日のおすすめ★ 聴覚障害児 早い時期の手話習得が重要

[17:05] With the advent of cochlear implants [* = 人工内耳] , technology has the opportunity to change lives. Yet, many deaf advocates say not teaching sign language is a risky proposition.

[19:42] You and I, because we are hearing, we learn from our environment all the time. We learn from mom on the telephone talking to the plumber. A deaf child may not get any of that. They are not getting that incidental learning [* = 偶発学習。直前に例を挙げてどういうことかの説明がある ] that our brain grows from.

[20:25] [* 言語習得に不可欠な偶発学習の期間の説明 ] Studies estimate the window lasts from birth to ages three to five. If children can't easily hear people talking or see people signing, they run the risk of developing what is known as language deprivation [* = 言語剥奪
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_deprivation ].

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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