鵜飼信光 Nobumitsu Ukai

Every large snowfall excites me to make a s…

鵜飼信光 Nobumitsu Ukai

Every large snowfall excites me to make a snowman. Such an incurable childishness seems to underlie my creation.


短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jun. 2024

↑ 箱崎宮あじさい苑(福岡市) ↑ At the hydrangea garden in Hakozaki Shrine (Fukuoka City) 誰も彼も鼻がヤカンの注ぎ口のようになっていた 私もだった         Everyone had a nose Like the spout of a kettle. and I had one like that, too 地表という巨大な楽器を奏でながら演奏者「風」が今日も吹いている 

    • 短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: May 2024

      手のひらのような花が咲く その花は何かをもんでいるように動く       A flower like a palm Has bloomed. It is moving as if Massaging something バンと爆ぜ色とりどりの断片が吹雪のように降り注ぐ虹            Exploding with a bang, The rainbow falls in countless Colourf

      • 短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Apr. 2024

        追いかけっこしようと一羽が飛び立って応じる鳥と応じない鳥と        One bird flies off, saying “Let’s play tag!” Some fly off with it; Others choose to stay 木々の葉が風船のようにどんどんと膨らんでゆき最後に割れる         All the leaves of the trees Swell like so many ball

        • 短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Mar. 2024

          ↑ ブロッコリーの花 ↑ Flowers of broccolis 畑じゅうのひまわりの花のそれぞれがゆっくり時計回りに回る         Each of all the flowers Of the sunflower field is Turning clockwise slowly 二、三枚重ねられている紙のように私は実は二、三人である          To tell the truth, I am A few

        短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jun. 2024

          短歌と英語版 Tanak in Japanese and Their English Versions: Feb. 2024

          濃い青と薄い青とが縞模様のように交互に並んでいる空            The sky is striped today With deep blue and pale blue all Over alternately おびただしい蝶に指図し葉の落ちた枯れ木にとまらせ写真を撮る人       On a leafless tree, She makes countless butterflies perch An

          短歌と英語版 Tanak in Japanese and Their English Versions: Feb. 2024

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jan. 2024

          ラジオたちが広場に集まりアンテナを振ったり跳ねたりラジオ体操       The radio gymnastics: Radios do exercise, leaping Or swinging aerials その場所だけ空から青い砂が降り真っ青な砂で砂遊びできる          A blue sand pile, To which blue sand has fell From the blue sky

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jan. 2024

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Dec. 2023

          いかに速くパプパプ言えるか競い合う 敗者はパプにパプッと吞まれる      They vie in the speed Of saying “papu . . . ” Losers are All swallowed by Papu !私はびっくりマークにはさまれた! ?はてなマークに変身したぞ? !I’ve got hemmed in by Exclamation marks! ?They’ve changed

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Dec. 2023

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jun. 2015

          足の裏に月が出ていて靴下を脱ぐとあたりに月光が差す             There is a moon On my sole. When I take off My socks, it sheds moonlight その人は椅子から立つとひまわりの姿に変わる 腰掛けると人          Standing up from a chair, The man becomes a sunflower. Seate

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jun. 2015

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: May 2015

          その上に落ちても濡れず柔らかく跳ね返される水トランポリン        The pool is a water Trampoline, whose surface bounces You, without wetting you

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: May 2015

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Apr. 2015

          何もない虚空に息で文字を書く 風があると字は運び去られる In the void, with my breath, I write letters, which are carried Away by wind 雨が降っているのに空は真っ青で雲は一つも浮かんでいない It is raining, but The sky is blue and not a cloud Is to be seen 空中で蝶が突然

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Apr. 2015

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Mar. 2015

          どの人も翼のように両腕を動かしながら歩いている街              All the walkers In the street are moving Their arms like wings 私を目のある虹がじろじろと見ている 私も睨み返した             The rainbow had eyes And were staring at me, so I stared back at it 葉

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Mar. 2015

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Feb. 2015

          別の種の花になりたいと思いながら咲いている花もあるのだろうか       I wonder if some Flowers want to be flowers Of some other species 水面に言葉をまくと魚たちが言葉を食べて知性をつける             When we scatter words On the water, fish feed on them And get intell

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Feb. 2015

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Nov. 2023

          ↑ 府中四谷橋(東京都) ↑ The Fuchu-Yotsuya Bridge (Tokyo) 天辺にちょこんと乗った一匹の蛙と旅をしている風船             Letting a frog sit On its top, the balloon Travels with it 猫顔のウサギが跳ねてる ウサギ顔の猫が四つ足で歩き回ってる        A cat-faced rabbit is Leaping; a

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Nov. 2023

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Oct. 2023

          ↑ 日南線木花駅(宮崎市)にて ↑ At Kibana Station in the Nichinan LIne (Miyazaki City) どんどんと小さくなってベビーカーに乗せられているお年寄りたち      The old person has got So small as can be laid In a baby buggy 三時にはにゅにゅにゅと鳴って六時にはにゅにゅにゅにゅにゅにゅと鳴るにゅにゅ時計            

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Oct. 2023

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Sep. 2023

          星たちはみな歩いている 杖をついてゆっくり歩いている星もいる       Stars are all walking. Some are supported by a cane, And walk very slowly タイトルは『脱走の多い動物園』 作者は「ケンジ」とだけ書いてある     The title of the tale Is “The Zoo of Many Escapes.” The autho

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Sep. 2023

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Aug. 2023

          ↑「ひまわり畑2023」by 寺尾園芸(愛知県)にて ↑ At "Sunflower Field 2023" held by Terao Gardening (Aichi Prefecture) 砂時計の砂粒たちは狭い穴を通って落ちるスリルが好きだ           All the grains of sand In an hourglass love the thrill Of falling through the neck 虹を揉

          短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Aug. 2023