
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Sep. 2023

星たちはみな歩いている 杖をついてゆっくり歩いている星もいる      
     Stars are all walking.
     Some are supported by a cane,
     And walk very slowly

タイトルは『脱走の多い動物園』 作者は「ケンジ」とだけ書いてある    
     The title of the tale
     Is “The Zoo of Many Escapes.”
     The author is Kenji*

     *There is a very famous short story for children, “The Restaurant of Many Orders” ‘1924) by Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933). I heartily recommend it, if you have not read it.

     I was in the sky,
     Afloat as a cloud, but returned
     To the ground as rain

     Ladling a galaxy
     Into my canteen, I take
     Little sips of it

     A snow hut fell slowly
     From the sky, and on the ground,
     Accommodated me

茸たちにお辞儀されつつ森を行く たまに止まって声を掛けてやる      
     Mushrooms all bow to me
     When I go through a forest, and
     Sometimes I address them

     The tall tree which could speak
     Kept shouting to the wood cutter
     “Don’t fell me!” in vain

私の耳を押し広げ次々と蛙たちが出る とめどなく出る           
     Widening my ear,
     Frogs come out of it, one after
     Another, endlessly

     Wearing a hard hat
     On their heads, goats are marching, all
     Facing the audience

狭い道で鉢合わせしたカタツムリ 大きい方がバックし始めた        
     A pair of snails were brought
     Face to face in a narrow path.
     The larger one backed

土星の輪は触角だった 輪に何かが触れると土星は目をかっと開く      
     Saturn’s rings are feelers.
     On something touching them, Saturn
     Opens its eyes wide

     I was surrounded
     By weird people who were all
     Squeaking like cicadas

     Breathing in, the cat
     Turns scarlet; breathing out,
     It turns bright blue

     The people move like dolls,
     Issuing a sound of a music
     Box from the inside

私は細長くされ鞭として使われる 私自身も痛い              
     Being made a narrow
     Strip, I am used as whip.
     I myself feel pain

青空に特殊な糸で刺繍する 夜は消えるがまた現れる            
     The blue sky has got
     Embroidered, the threads, every
     Morning, reappearing

     I found rainbows
     Elastic. They stretch well,
     When you give them a jerk

     Like a disturbed ants’ nest,
     The whole galaxy is now
     In pandemonium

     I heard a voice, saying
     “I’m the mountain you’re looking at,”
     When looking at one

     Irrepressibly urged,
     I got off a train, and stood
     On my hands then and there

     Rushing to the patient,
     The choir sang and the patient
     Got over a crisis

手の甲にとまった蠅に息を掛けた 蠅は白くなりコロッと落ちた       
     When I breathed on a fly
     On the back of my hand, the fly
     Whitened and plopped down

顎の先を私の頭に乗せながら宙に水平に浮かんでいる人                With his chin on my head,
     The man is floating in the air

     “You can be twenty once
     More, but lose your memory since
     Then.” “So much the better!”

     Abruptly the fingers
     Of my hands all began singing
     Loudly like cicadas

耳たちが二匹のリスになって遊ぶ そろそろ戻ってきて欲しいなあ      
     My ears are playing,
     Becoming a pair of squirrels.
     It’s high time they returned

高笑いしながら虹が空に架かる 石を投げるとますます笑う         
     A horselaughing rainbow:
     When I throw a stone at it,
     The laughter gets louder

     The people come and go
     As if skating, their feet a bit
     Afloat in the air

     One of the lights seen
     In a far town came flying, and
     Settled on me

     From the fingertip
     To the palm, and then to the wrist,
     I become transparent

百歳まで若くいられてぽっくり死ぬ よそさうだけどきっとつらいよ 
     Centenarian youth
     And a sudden death sound good,
     But it may be hard

     It may be happy that
     Death should come when old age has made
     Life too hard and joyless

     It is very good that
     Telegraph wires do not give
     Electric shocks to birds
