
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Mar. 2024

↑ ブロッコリーの花 ↑ Flowers of broccolis

     Each of all the flowers
     Of the sunflower field is
     Turning clockwise slowly

     To tell the truth, I am
     A few persons, like paper
     Of a few layers

「火星行き」と紙飛行機に書いて飛ばす 火星に着くのは数十年後      
     I fly a paper plane
     With “Bound for Mars” written on it.
     It may take scores of years

     I have exchanged palms
     With a person. I can feel what
     The person is touching

     The rainbow reversed
     Its colour order, but sulked,
     As no one noticed it

     At the “drink bar,”
     A drink pops out, crying “baa,”
     As if playing peepbo*

     *There is a piece of Japanglish, “drink bar,” which is a system in which a machine in one area of a restaurant serves drinks to customers who have paid a set fee for the service. The “drink bar” also means the machine, or the area where the machine is installed. By the way, “peepbo” or “peekaboo” is “inai-inai-baa” in Japanese, so the Japanese can fancy that at the “drink bar,” a drink pops out, crying “baa,” as if playing peekaboo.

     I found my head floating
     In the air, with my body
     Dangling like a string

鼓動するピッチャーマウンド 足の裏にどくんどくんと鼓動が伝わる     
     On the pitcher’s mound,
     We feel through our soles
     A heart throbbing

     Having got decrepit,
     The sky was wrinkled, but somehow
     Has rejuvenated

扇風機を回すと集まる紙飛行機 前に浮かんで風を楽しむ          
     Paper airplanes enjoy
     The draft from an electric fan,
     Thronging in front of it

雪だるまの形の雲が飛んでいく 目、鼻、口も誰かがつけた         
     There goes a cloud
     In the shape of a snowman.
     Someone’s attached features

     A throng of tiny,
     Spherical bells has come, ringing
     And flying around

     Uttering a word
     By turns, a parrot and
     A parakeet converse

リスのような尻尾が生えてしまった蛇 案外それが気に入ってもいる     
     The snake liked a new tail
     Like that of a squirrel

鬼ヶ島のまわりの海に住んでいる鬼ダコ 頭に角が生えている        
     Ogre Octopuses
     Around Ogres’ Island have one
     Or two horns on their heads*

     *Japanese ogres have one or two horns on their heads. Ogres’ Island is the destination to which Momotaro, the legendary hero who was born from a peach (momo) and later subjugated ogres, headed with a dog, a monkey and a pheasant, who all became his vassals on the way in exchange for millet dumplings which Momotaro had around his waist.

     Wanting to be called
     “Golden River,” the galaxy
     Has become golden*

     *In Japanese, “a galaxy” is “ginga” which means a silver river. The galaxy seems to prefer to be called Golden River.

ジャバラーが出現しました 蛇腹式に伸び縮みして暴れています       
     Jabarah is
     Rampaging around, stretching and
     Contracting like bellows*

     *“Jabara” in Japanese is a bellows. “Jabara,” which is written as “蛇腹,“ literally means “the stomach of a snake.” “Jabarah” makes the Japanese imagine a bellows-shaped monster, which is as huge as Gozilla.

     Putting up the net
     Above the water, mermaids
     Play badminton

ハンガーがストライキ中 凝った肩をもんで欲しいと訴えている       
     Clothes hangers are all
     On strike, demanding to have their
     Stiff shoulders massaged

     As I, a tree, was
     Singing in the wind, humans came
     And sang around me

鳥の名がついている木々 葉がすべてその名の鳥の羽根なのだった      
     The leaves of the trees are
     All feathers. Each is named after
     Birds, whose feathers it has
