

ドロレス・キャノン式退行催眠療法(QHHT)の創始者として、また、ETやUFO研究の大家として、世界中で講演活動を続けてきたドロレス・キャノン さん。

Between Death and Life – Conversations with a Spirit: An internationally acclaimed hypnotherapist’s guide to past lives, guardian angels and the death experience (English Edition) 

「死と生のはざまで - 霊との対話:国際的に高く評価されている催眠療法士による、前世、守護天使、死の体験へのガイド」(仮訳)より

Dolores Cannon(ドロレス・キャノン)公式Facebookページより

Dolores: “Do you mean that when some souls come into a life, rather than having lived these exact past life experiences,...

Posted by Dolores Cannon on Wednesday, November 30, 2022

ドロレス 「複数の魂が、ある人生に入ってくるということは、これらの生命体それぞれの正確な前世の経験をするというよりも、それらの魂の情報を取っている…ということですか?」


ドロレス: 「他の研究者によると、アカシックレコードには、時間の概念がなく、出来事や感情、学んだことの記録だけが残されているそうです。だとしたら...。このような作業をするときに、どうやって(本当の体験と刷り込まれた体験の)違いを見分けることができるのか教えていただけますか?」



Dolores: “What would be the reason?
Soul: “If one has never experienced a life on Earth before, or if it has perhaps been a long time since the last incarnation, there would be no point of reference, nothing to fall back on or relate to. If one were to come to this planet without the aid of imprints, one would be totally lost. One would not understand customs, religions, politics, or how to act in a social environment. This is the necessity for imprint, if there is no previous earthly experience of human existence in their subconscious. In order for this person to feel comfortable and at ease, there must be something with which to draw on and compare those day-to-day experiences which one is encountering. For if this were not so, the feeling of total out-of-harmony would be virtually present every single day, until there arose that time when one could look back and see some semblance of history. That is, in the later part of life. However, the confusion and disharmony from having to experience this would negate any learning “for always there would be the disharmony which all learning would have to filter through. All learning would be colored with this disharmony and would be, in effect, no learning at all. So there must be this imprinting to allow the vehicle to feel comfortable in his new surroundings and in those experiences which would be totally foreign. For even such simple things as an argument would become so terrifying to the vehicle as to render him totally void. These innocents have no experience with anger or fear as you know it. It would incapacitate them. It would paralyze them. They would be totally traumatized.”

Dolores Cannon(ドロレス・キャノン)公式Facebookページ

ドロレス :「その理由は何ですか?」


If you’ve ever watched the movie Total Recall, this concept of ‘imprinting memories’ will make more sense.
This is why so many people have similar past life experiences. Lots of people believe they have past lives as famous people, such as Cleopatra. Thats because they have experienced something that deeply resonates between this lifetime and that experience.
It doesn’t mean they’re lying or mistaken. It’s entirely possible that the experience was very real to them because it was an imprint. ❤️

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       Dolores Cannon(ドロレス・キャノン)公式Facebookページ
