
【3分古典要約】純粋理性批判 [3-Min Classical Summaries] Kritik der reinen Vernunft




Kritik der reinen Vernunft Immanuel Kantと入力した結果


〇人間の知識と理性の限界に関する重要な問いかけを提起し、  哲学や科学の分野で大きな影響を与えた。


人間の知識についての問題を扱った、哲学史上最も影響力のある著作の一つ。 ざっくりいうと、この本は私たちが知ることができるものと、知ることができないものを探求した本です。人が外の世界をいかに認識するかを問う認識論において革命を起こし、カントは近代哲学の祖と呼ばれるようになりました。






  1. 古典や書籍の要約に興味ある方は


[5 Articles Summary]

This is one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy, dealing with the problem of human knowledge.
Knowledge includes "knowledge based on experience" and "knowledge by reason (pure reason)," which does not depend on experience.
He verified the method of acquiring universal knowledge (truth) and its reliability by "pure reason.
The results revealed a "transcendental (beyond the power of reason)" realm that cannot be answered by experience and reason alone.
He raised important questions about the limits of human knowledge and reason, and had a major impact on the fields of philosophy and science.
He also made a number of important contributions to the field of philosophy and science, including the following.

[good summary]

One of the most influential works in the history of philosophy, dealing with the question of human knowledge. Briefly, the book explores what we can know and what we cannot know.

Revolutionizing in epistemology, which questions how people perceive the outside world, Kant has come to be called the founder of modern philosophy. There are two types of knowledge: knowledge based on experience and knowledge by reason (pure reason), which does not depend on experience. Knowledge based on experience (empirical knowledge) is only individual and limited, and to discover universal truths we must rely on reason, which is independent of experience.

The framework of "a priori forms," which are fundamental concepts for processing information obtained from sensory experience, is necessary for knowledge acquisition, and as it is possible to derive universal principles and laws through pure logic and reasoning, they would become universal truths that do not depend on experience.

However, even with "a priori forms" we cannot acquire knowledge about, for example, whether God exists. We cannot see or touch God, because we cannot see or touch God. He discovered that there is a "transcendental" (beyond the power of reason) realm that cannot be answered by experience and reason alone. After searching for a way to acquire universal knowledge (truth) and reliability with "pure reason" in this way, he arrived at one conclusion.

That is, he went from the idea that the world first exists and we perceive it to the idea that the world exists only when we perceive it. He himself called this idea the "Copernican turn," likening it to Copernicus' turn from the celestial to the geocentric. This is where modern epistemology, which questions cognition itself, is established.
