
Classic Chinese poetry "Envy for half moon" 「羨弦月」

Hello I'm koneido. I'm Japanese poet of classic Chinese poetry.
long time ago, Japanese scholars and artist compose classic Chinese poetry
themselves. They have culture of Chinese studies. It telling Chinese studies of Japan begin from one Korean "王仁Wani"brought book of "論語Rongo(analects of confucian)"and text of calligraphy "千字文Sennzimon". In "Nara 奈良”period Japanese scholars or monk visit to Chinese continental
by order of government.It purpose was studying culture of 唐tang dynasty.
Those days , classic Chinese poetry of Japan was not skillful.
In Edo period, government adoption Confucianism.
official recognition was school of 朱熹(Confucianist of song宋 dynasty).
but, school is divided to school of 朱熹 , school of 王陽明(Confucianist of ming明 dynasty)and school that studies to old confucianism(古学).
Chinese studies of Edo period Japan was active like this.
Today, Japan and east Asia fulling by tension.
I want you to know to strong connection of culture between Japan
and Asia. If you read my poetry and feel the connection,
I'm very glad.

「羨弦月」Envy for half moon
已過中秋節 高天復半輪
虧盈無越徳 而明其比倫

from moon festival , moon rising again on sky of fall end.
wane and fulling not over power herself,And light the her friend

已過中秋節 高天復半輪 虧盈無越徳 而明其比倫

this year , 27, October is 「十三夜」(moon festival) it is Japanese traditional
event. There's no this event in China, there's only Japan.
In same Asia there's deferent. It's interesting!



