
Three of spring poetry-Classic Chinese Poetry by Japanese

Hello! everyone, I'm Koneido. I'm Japanese poet who compose classic Chinese poetry.Before day,I joined art exhibition. In the exhibition I communicate by writing with Chinese female. I feel  kanji is common language of north east Asia again. My activities are small. I can't affect decision of diplomacy off course.
  But, I can affect to public diplomacy like international exchange.It is very small activities then it effects may be small.  But, It is better than nothing activities. From ancient to today, east Asia has complex problems.
If you read the my poetry and knowing Japanese who loving Chinese culture
And, knowing interest of 漢字 kanji hanzi ,I'm very glad!

康寧準生業 因業判病魔
惟此誰之語 醫門老大家
或從九童時 順之東伐敵
或自十五年 西控彼戎狄
妄勞則身病 身病則神衰
神衰何人賴 醫門老大師
勞役適其身 適身後神泰
神泰無所恃 惟此謂有智

( "Your health or illness measure by your work,
I distinction it based on work "Who were said it ?
It was Opinion of Dr."great"
I suffer hardship since childhood.  for example ,
conquest enemy on east, and drive the barbarians on west.
 over work bring illness, If your body become sick, depend who ? It just
Dr. "great" ! If you adapt work to your body and mind, will nothing  illness.
It will call wise person.)

鳴笛紅梅夕 尋來茅屋門
寒天由可樂 春日已昏昏

(Evening of flute sounds and red plum blossom.
I came front of thatched house. Now cold season
but, can enjoy it. sun of spring be dark.)

喈喈啼烏和春陽 池水潺潺濯麝香 
想忘不然衿又帶 慾思無憶舊交裳

(Cry of crow was soft and harmony with spring sun.
Water of pool wash plum blossom like the incense.
I want forget you but I don't forget you. I want remember you
but I don't  remember you.)

