無農薬野菜をたっぷり食べる-Eat plenty of pesticide-free vegetables-
Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced the fact that many additives have been proven to be carcinogenic!? The WHO has clearly pointed out that nitrites, which are often used in processed meats such as ham and sausages, are carcinogenic. If you are interested, please check out that article as well. And this time, we will introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "Doctors' Dietary Tips."
"In the past, many agricultural workers committed suicide by drinking pesticides. Even today, when spraying pesticides, workers wear gas masks and pay attention to the wind direction. Pesticides are that toxic. Spraying pesticides produces beautiful-looking vegetables that are insect-free. However, it is hard to imagine that vegetables that insects dislike can be good for humans. If you get into the habit of eating pesticide-free vegetables, you will come to appreciate their natural deliciousness and will come to like them."
"Large supermarkets sell pesticide-free vegetables marked with the "JAS" mark, and you can also purchase them online. If you have them delivered regularly, you will inevitably have more opportunities to eat vegetables. If you absolutely cannot get pesticide-free vegetables, wash them well. If you leave them under running water, most of the pesticides will wash away. However, you will also lose vitamins and minerals. It is best to eat pesticide-free leafy vegetables raw and crunch them."
What did you all think? It's surprising that vitamins and minerals are lost just by rinsing with water. However, if farmers don't use pesticides, it's a difficult problem because there is a possibility that pests will appear and the quality will decline... By the way, have you ever eaten pesticide-free vegetables? I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.
参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二
出版 ダイヤモンド社