
一流営業マンのライバルに勝つプレゼンとは!?-What is the best presentation for a top-notch salesman to beat his rivals? ?-


Everyone, good evening. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``First-rate, second-rate, and third-rate salespeople'' about the presentations of top-class salespeople. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced interviews with top salespeople. The first-class salesman was told by the customer about the "bads". If you'd like, please take a look at those articles as well.


”In order to beat their rivals in presentations, third-rate companies use ``discounts,'' second-rate companies use ``product strength,'' and first-class companies use ``commitment to results.'' In order to beat rival companies, it is essential to have an "advantage" that allows you to beat your rivals. However, there is no need to discount prices unnecessarily, and there is no need to lament that the product is not strong enough or the company is not well known.”


”What's important is not the difference in price or product quality, but the support we provide for success after the contract is signed. By the way, when Japanet, a major mail order company, sells computers, they promise to go out of their way to your home to connect the computer. RIZAP even promises that the trainer will check every meal by email. Doing what other companies find troublesome is a simple but first-rate idea.”


What did you all think? It goes without saying that we work hard before signing a contract, but the key is how closely we can work with our customers and commit to the results afterward. What is important is not just the sale, but what happens afterward. I hope this article is of some use to you. I hope your business activities go well. See you soon. thank you very much.





