
The rotation supply and the school uniforms

I took two lessons today.

The first was with teacher I, and the topic was the water supply.
According to her, they are struggling with scarcity of water supply due to the dry season in the Philippines in this season.
The system's the ongoing rotation of water supply, and they can use the tap water only for eight hours a day.
In her case, if these eight hours are working time, she can't use them.
So she asks the landlord to save the water for her.

I remember a similar situation of rotation supply; after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear accident, the power outage rotation was underway for less than four hours a day in the Tokyo area.
I'll never forget that some women were interviewed and answered, "How uncomfortable the system it is!"
I couldn't believe my ears and thought, "How selfish and stupid women they are!"

It was a conscientious system because the government announced that in advance and only for "four hours" a day so that they could prepare.
In the disaster areas, we experienced that the water, electricity, and gas supplies suddenly stopped.
Of course, all of the food in our fridge spoiled.
Compared to us, they were comfortable.

Aside from our experiences, I hope to recover their water supply soon in the Philippines.

The next was with teacher N, and the topic was school uniforms.
She told me that she thought Japanese school uniforms were cute.
I partially agree with her opinion; some are so cute, but others are not.

I shared the picture of my favorite school uniform; I'd heard it was expensive because the famous designer designed them, and she agreed with my opinion.
She asked me what type of school uniform I used to wear, and I googled and discovered they had changed from ours; I didn't know that.
I shared the photos with her, and she complimented me.

She shared the pictures of uniforms she wore as a university student; I was surprised that university students must wear them.
They have two types of uniforms, and they both look nice.
One was to wear teaching practices; they must wear them in front of their students.
This uniform looked like the ground staff's at the airport.

I was curious if they must wear them every day, and she told me that they wear them four days a week, and on the other day, they wear P.E. uniforms.

Regarding P.E. uniforms, as I was a senior high student, we were assigned the color for each grade, although the uniforms were all the same and had a color line on them.
When I entered the school, we were assigned green color, the second-grade students were red, and the third-grade students were blue.
Next year, the blue color assigned the new faces.
In addition, we also have the same color part on our indoor shoes, so the teachers can easily distinguish the students' grades.

