


今回は、先日行ってきたボクシングフィットネスのお話。私の体験をお伝えし、最後に、日本人はシャイな人が多いから、こういった感じのが好まれるんだと思いますとお話ししたところ、先生爆笑。「私も(あなたと同じく)明るいところで運動をしたいわ❤️」と言われました 笑。


I went to the "Fitness in the Dark" experience.

It is a boxing exercise performed in total darkness.

About 50 boxing sandbags are lined up, and everyone moves to the instructor's cue like aerobics amid loud music.

In the darkness, there is a flickering light like a glitter ball in a nightclub.

The purpose of the darkness is to make myself invisible to the people around me.
If we are not seen, we are not embarrassed, so we can move a lot.

I heard that this is what they mean.

As a beginner, I couldn't see the surroundings, couldn't see the instructor, and couldn't hear the instructor's voice because the music was too loud.

I couldn't understand what was going on, so I jumped a lot.

I was sweating a lot, but I didn't really understand how good it was.

I prefer to exercise with a good view of the instructor if possible.


I went to the "Fitness in the Dark" experience.

It is a boxing exercise performed in total darkness.

About 50 boxing sandbags are lined up in a row, and everyone moves to the instructor's cue like aerobics amid loud music.

( Q. How is it different? 「line up in a row」「line up」「in a row」)

In the darkness, there is a flickering light like a mirror ball in a nightclub.

The purpose of the darkness is to make myself invisible to the people around me.
If we are not seen, we are not embarrassed, so we can move a lot.

I heard that this is what they mean.

As a beginner, I couldn't see the surroundings, couldn't see the instructor, and couldn't hear the instructor's voice because the music was too loud.

I couldn't understand what was going on, so I jumped a lot.

I was sweating a lot, but I didn't really understand how good it was.

I prefer to exercise with a good view of the instructor if possible.


Q. How is it different? 「line up in a row」「line up」「in a row」

A.「line up in a row」ラーメン屋さんの行列のように、一列の大行列のイメージ。  「line up」同じフロア内に前後左右にも並んでるイメージ。

私の伝えたいイメージをお伝えしたところ、今回は「line up」が正解だそう。


リアルな感想を書いてみました 笑





